Kornus A.O., Lysenko I.О. Characteristics of the Snow Cover of the Sumy Region According to the Results of Observations of 2005-2017 Years.

Based on the data of meteorological observations of the snow cover, conducted during 2005-2017, the duration of the existence of the snow cover, the date of its appearance and the height of the snow cover at various meteorological stations of the Sumy region were investigated. A comparative analysis of the current characteristics of the snow cover was made with the data of longterm observations obtained during 1936-1986. 

A.S. Sokolov. Anthropogenic Transformation of the Landscapes of the Vitebsk Region and the Efficiency of Their Protection in the System of Protected Areas.

The article shows the features of anthropogenic transformation of the Vitebsk region landscapes, which was defined by the value of I.S. Aitov geoecological coefficient. A map of region landscapes ecological state is created. The dependence between landscape environmental state and landscape genera and subgenera, the representation of each genera and subgenera in the system of protected areas of the region are analyzed which led to the conclusion about the need to optimize the network of protected areas. In crisis and disaster state there are three genera of landscapes (moraine-lake. hilly-moraine-lake, loess), constituting a total of 41,8% of the area. However, these landscapes occupy an insignificant fraction of the territory of protected areas in the region (6,5%). Among the most disturbance subgenera there are subgenera with a cover of loess-like loams, discontinuous cover of fluvial-glacial loam and sandy loam, surface cover of sandy loam–clay loam moraine. They take 30,6% of the territory of Vitebsk region, however, their representation in the protected areas is only 3,2%.

I.V. Melnykova, O.V. Bova. The Types of Forests of the Krasnopillya District and Their Economic Importance.

The article present results of the analysis of natural geographic features of forests Krasnapillya district, Sumy region. Analyzed the types of forests and evident their interconnection with soil and relief of terrain. The found economic value of forests administrative district. To study the types of forests used method of mapping for spatial display them on the terrain. When writing an article based on the analysis of soil map administrative district and provided SE «Krasnopillya forestry» list of forests by major tree species was made and analyzed schematic map the types of forests Krasnopillya district by soil and plant conditions.

Kornus A.O., Lynok D.V. Hydrothermal Features of the Mesoclimate of the North-East Region of Ukraine on the Results of Observations 2005-2016.

One of the global problems of our time is the problem of climate change, and with it changes in the bioclimatic conditions of life. The territory of the northeastern region of Ukraine is not an exception, there thermal regime and humidifying conditions are also changing. The article gives a brief description of the current air temperature and the amount of precipitation recorded during 2005-2016 on meteorological stations located in the territory of the north-east of Ukraine, the dynamics of the above-mentioned indicators were studied during the twelve-year observation period.

O.V. Bova, O.O. Kornіychuk. Content and Dіstrіbutіon of Exchange Forms of Heavy Metals іn the Soіls of Forest-Steppe of the Sumy Regіon.

The artіcle covers the data about the content of exchange forms of heavy metals (HM) іn dіfferent types of soіls of forest-steppe of Sumy regіon. The dіstrіbutіon of metals іn the soіl profіle and factors that affect fіxatіon HM іn the soіl are analyzed. The conducted іnvestіgatіons allow to descrіbe the characterіstіcs of the local soіl-geochemіcal background.

O.S. Danylchenko, S.O. Hupalo. Evaluation of Natural Potential of the Landscape Areas of Sumy Region.

The article is devoted to research and evaluate potential natural landscape areas Sumy region. The article deals with the status of the term "natural potential" is visually stylized, the methodology of conducting an assessment of the natural potential of the vital information is described in detail. The value of NP is estimated based on climate indicators (annual rainfall, the coefficient of moistening, the amount of active temperatures above 100C), biotic potential, joint manifestation of ANP (flooding, landslides, exogenous processes, erodibility, droughts, hail, fog). Estimated indicators of natural potential of landscaped areas of Sumy region made it possible to distinguish "low," "below average", "average" and "high" levels of natural potential. In conclusion the authors emphasize that the results of research in the future will create a corresponding schemes and identify areas with different levels of natural potential of the territory.

O.S. Danylchenko, A.S.Rуbalchenko. Evaluation of Geoecological State of River Sumka in the City of Sumy.

The article investigates the river bags in the city, its CCD, floodplains and changes that have occurred in recent years. Particular attention is paid to the establishment of the state of the river geoecologicalbag that is rated as the most "satisfactory" – 82% of surveyed areas and "poor" – 18%. Based on the results mapped schemes established, with marked ranges geoecological state of the river. In conclusion, the authors offer water conservation measures on improvement of rivers discharge on ground water protection zones and a CCD, restore past as natural biofilters, the implementation of reconstruction of hydro and canalized sections of the channel, the area of the river and its floodplain in the city give the status of protected areas of local value (park).

M.V. Babets. The Landscapes of Romny District.

The types of areas which are the biggest morphological parts are the basis оf landscape structure. Through them we can explore the history of the landcape stucture. These structural units are allocated on the basis that each natural complex differs for each other: age and origin, nature quaternary cover; relief, soil and vegetation and others. Consequently the features of the landscape of Romny district are analyzed and their main types and species are highlighted in the article.

A. Yu. Raiska, A.S. Hnyda. The Tendency in Development of Microcavity Morphosculpture on Reclaimed Land on the Example of the Drainage System «Kuchynivka».

In this article considered the forms of the micro kettle relief within the drainage system “Kuchynivka”, attempted to analyze their origin and the developmental changes influenced by drainage reclamation. The author represented a brief feature of relief’s micro kettle forms as independent formations with their own particular qualities and conditions of development, considered a question of their classification and systematization. Separately draw attention to the relationship of the geological structure of the territory and the development of the individual types of the relief’s micro kettle forms. Also pointed out a number of differences between such formations as “padings” and other types of micro kettles, seeing in the literature all kettle formations appropriate shapes and sizes combined into the one name “padiny”. Pointed into the necessity for a planning the territory during the drainage works and after their finishing.

V.B. Slyuta, E.V. Aleksa. Qualitative Assessment of Changes in Natural Complexes of Ukraine Caused by Water Reclamation.

The changes in the single components of natural complexes under the influence of water melioration in the natural areas of Ukraine (Polissya (forest area), forest-steppe and steppe) were considered. Attention was drawn to the scale of conducting melioration works, to the geographical location of the largest irrigation systems, to their confinedness to the areas with different hypsometric level. Besides the fact that the systems influence the environment, their role and importance in the national economy, in the providing the population with agricultural products were indicated. The main attention was paid to the changes in symptoms and flow of water erosion, occurrence of groundwater, development of flooding and subsoil waterlogging processes of the surrounding areas, to the impact of large reservoirs on some climate characteristics, including redistribution of rainfall by seasons. Also, the changes in the species composition of the organic world were considered.

N.V.Yermak, B.M. Neshataev. The Current Status of the Nature-Protected System оf Shostka District.

The article reviews the current status of the nature-protected fund оf Shostka distric. Carried out quantitative and qualitative assessment of it elements: the nature-protected areas and objects, as well as its typology were made. Was created the schematic map of spatial distribution of the NPF network in research area.

Zh.M. Matviyishyna, O.H. Parkhomenko. Evolution of Soils and Landscape Ancient Ancient City of Olbia in Mykolaiv.

Nowadays, the problem of studying the evolution and formation of soil landscapes is the most relevant in soil science and is of considerable interest to many natural and human sciences. Established that the soil at the site of the ancient city of Olbia were different from today's climate was dry within the area of the southern desert. In watersheds formed full profile solonchakuvati brown or saline soils. Closer to the valley. Bug at levels lower terraces in the wetter climates and intense process of accumulation of soils formed close to dark chestnut saline or saline southern black soil. In elevated areas dominated dry steppe, and at lower levels – steppe vegetation, which developed in Southern black or dark chestnut soils. Natural areas have been shifted to the north and arid climatic conditions were.

E.S Petrushenko, S.P. Gorshenina. Calculation of the Ezuch River Water Flow by the Equation of Water Balance.

The physico-geographical conditions for the formation of surface runoff in the basin of the river Yezuch are analyzed. Morphometric characteristics of the river and its basin were determined. The river basin is located within the tectomorphostructure of the southwestern slope of the Voronezh crystalline massif. The concept of water balance and heat balance was clarified, which al-lowed based on the data from weather stations by the method of O.R. Konstantinov calculate the indicator of the climatic runoff (the average annual runoff layer), which is 89.4 mm. The equation of the climatic runoff made it possible to calculate other quantitative characteristics of the runoff: the average annual water discharge, the average annual flow volume, the average annual runoff module.

V.V. Barabash, S.P. Нorshenina. Characteristics of Atmospheric Precipitation in the City of Konotop.

The data about the amount of precipitation and their annual course for the months within the city of Konotop received at the local weather station for the period 1893-2016 are analyzed and systematized. The dynamics of changes in the amount of precipitation was determined, the moving average values of the precipitation values for five and ten-year periods were calculated, and the data for different long-term observation periods were compared.


B.M. Dovhal, O.V. Bova. General Features of the Landscape Structure of Konotop District.

The article covers the results of analysis of the tier (vertical) structure landscapes of Konotop district in Sumy region. The relationships are established between natural components in different landscape conditions. The main patterns of the structure of typical mixed-forest and forest-steppe landscapes of the research area were determined. The profiling method was used during the research of the landscapes, that is a comprehensive reflection of the overall structure of the landscapes. The landscape profile of Konotop district was constructed and analyzed for geographical and topographical thematic maps, stock and literary sources in the article. The tier structure of five NTC was considered, that crosses the line of profile within the research area and their economic use.

V.P. Vorovka. Paradynamic Organization of the Maritimes Landscape Space.

In the article on the Azov Sea is considered one of the forms of landscape space-paradynamic landscape system. Unlike traditional structural principles of landscape, it is isolated on a dynamic basis based on interacting contrast media. Here they are adjacent to the shoreline of the land and seabed. Azov paradynamic grounded boundaries of landscape systems: land – a line of watershed and climatic influence of the sea, in the waters – isobath, which extends the impact of waves on the processing and redeposition sediments. Defined structure forming connections, including the impact of major types of land to sea is river runoff, coastal processes, human activities. Among the effects of the sea to the land singled out climate impacts breeze circulation, migration of living organisms. We give specific examples of the various links in the system.

O.O. Afonina. Analysis of Socio-Demographic Parameters of Households Chernihiv Region.

On the basis of statistical analysis of Chernihiv Statistics Department deals with social and demographic parameters of households in the region. Showing their changes during the years 2008-2016. During this period, the number of households in the Chernihiv region decreased, while the rate of reduction of the network of rural households were higher than the city. Found that 59% of households Chernihiv region consisting of two or one person and only one-third of households is composed of children under 18 years. Among households with children, the lion's share (89.3%) were one-child household. According to this report, increased the proportion of household members with secondary and higher education. Analysis of social parameters of households Chernihiv region shows that more than two thirds of households with overtime living space, and more than half of households satisfied with living conditions.

Y.M. Bartosh, S.S. Mynets. Determination of Separatism Factors’ Influence on the Escalation of Separatism Movements in Ukraine.

The article suggests the classification, typology, and dimensionally-cartographic analysis of geographical factors of separatism escalation, as well as the mechanism of predicting it`s tempos and intensity.

O.S. Filonenko, O.Н. Kornus. The Territorial Structure оf Health Care System оf Shostka District аnd Territorial Accessibility оf Medical Services.

The article reviews the current network of medical institutions in the Romny district. To establish the territorial availability of medical services for population of district was calculated the localization index, the index of the territorial concentration, and the average radius of service of medical institutions. Separately was analyzed the territorial accessibility of medical services provided by Central district hospitals.

O.H. Kornus, O.O. Lytvynenko. Territorial Organization of Trade Service For the Population of the Sumy Region.

The article deals with social-geographical features of the territorial organization of trade service for the population of the Sumy region. It was calculated the coefficient of social density of trade enterprises and the index of localization of trading institution. The groups of administrative districts of Sumy region in terms of development of trading service were highlighted. Described the priority ways of development of the sphere of trade service.

D.V. Frolov. Demographic Situation in Trostіanetskyi District.

This article explores the demographic situation in Trostіanetskуі district. We characterize the dynamics of population, fertility, mortality, natural growth, migration. Consider the relationship between men and women. The analyzed sex and age structure of the population based on population distribution by sex and age. The basic causes of the unfavorable demographic situation prevailing in the city and how they affect the main indicators of fertility, mortality, natural growth and migration. Recommendations to improve the demographic situation in Trostіanetskуi district.

Y.A. Demchenko, O.H. Kornus. The Regional Differences of Religious Activity in Sumy Region.

The article explores the peculiarities of the territorial organization of the religious sphere in the Sumy region. It was analyzed the confessional belonging of religious organizations. Has been determined the level of provision of the population by the religious organizations of administrative districts. It was calculated the availability of religious services for the population. The groups of administrative districts of Sumy region of the intensity of religious life were highlighted. It was calculated the level of dispersion of religious organizations. Were highlighted the groups of adminis-trative districts by the religiosity of the population.

K.Y. Sehida, O.O. Patalaska. Application of Cluster Analysis for the Study Migrational Processes (Case Study of the Northern-Eastern Economic District of Ukraine).

The article deals with application of cluster analysis for the study migration processes within cities and districts of the Northern-Eastern economic district of Ukraine. Methodical bases of cluster analysis application have been provided, calculations for cities of regional subordination and districts of the Northern-Eastern economic district (according to data for 2010-2014) have been executed. Grouping cities of regional subordination and districts of the Northern-Eastern economic district for 2010 and 2014 has been given, internally regional features by indicators of migration processes and their changes during five-year research period have been determined.

N. V. Husieva, O. M. Zadyesyentsev. Human-Geographical Location of Severodonetsk-Lysychansk Agglomerations as a Component of Territory Spatial Potential.

The definition «geographical location» and «human-geographical location», their types were considered. Human-geographical location of Severodonetsk-Lysychansk agglomeration in conditions of its location in the area of the antiterrorist operation in Donbass were characterized. The features of agglomeration location in the region and Ukraine, related to neighbors and the World ocean were determined, transport and geographical, resource and geographical, industrial and geographical, agrogeographical, demogeographical, market and geographical, recreational and geographical, financial and geographical, innovation and geographical, agglomeration and geographical location were characterized. It was detected how human-geographical location of Severodonetsk-Lysychansk agglomeration changed in conditions of current situation in eastern Ukraine.

T.M.Chernyshova, О.F. Dunaіevska. The Contribution of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University to the Development of Zhytomyr Museums.

There are four museums created and operating now in the Zhytomyr National Agroecological University. They have over 500 specimens, like the world's soils, minerals, as well as the unique pieces of the petrified wood, plant imprint of the stone period on the coal, and gypsum rose. Museum of the University’s History tells about the past of the university and its prominent alumni. The Museum of Environmental Education counts more than three hundred showpieces and has eight exhibitions aimed at the radioecological education, socio-environmental education, and ecology of flora and fauna. There is also the Anatomical and Morphological Museum operating since 2008. Its collection contains different types and species of animals; some exhibits demonstrate anatomical defects. All museums of the university are used in the educational process of students of all faculties. Regular visitors of museums are the school children, guests of the university, and participants of the conferences and meetings. The museums contribute to the of patriotic and environmental education, popularize the scientific knowledge, and play a significant role in the students' studying and training of highly qualified workers.

H.O. Kryshtal. Social and Geographic Assess the Prospects for Development of Ecological Tourism in the Sumy Region.

The article analyzes the prospects for development of ecological tourism in Sumy region, described the system of nature protection areas of the region and the basic problems of the development of ecological tourism.

I.G. Smyrnov. Imagemaking and Branding of Tourist Destinations (on Example of Urban Tourism).

Revealed the conceptual basis of city branding in urban tourism. Given features of urban tourism as a complex kind of tourism. Shown basic stages of development and implementation of tourist city branding strategies and described their content. Provided examples from Ukrainian tourism practice. Disclosed features of tourism image and tourism brand of a city as tourism center with high concentration of tourists. Laid out conceptual foundations of city imagmaking and city branding as a process of city image formation and developing its brand with fixation of ways of market promotion in their relationship. Given examples of international practice in cites imagmak-ing and branding as tourist destinations and tourist sites within the city i.e. historic castles, museums, amusement parks etc. Proposed recommendations for tourist cities imagmaking and branding in Ukraine.

S.I. Siutkin. Socialal-Geographical Aspects of the Recreational Nature Management Study.

The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of the social geography view on the problems of recreational nature management. The major attention is given to the problem of regioning of the norms of recreational nature management on the natural complexes and implementation of the principles of recreational touristic activities.

O.V. Koltun. The Titles of Geomorphological Articles in Scientific Periodicals 2016: Themes and Structure.

The diversity of themes and title structure is analyzed in five arrays of research articles in geomorphological journals: the combined array of two Ukrainian geomorphological magazines (29 titles, 2016), "Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie" (24, 2016), "Géomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement" (25, 2016), the most cited articles of journals "Geomorphology" (25) and ESPL (20). The leader by the number of publications is fluvial and water erosional landforms and processes (20-50% of titles in the array). The titles were divided and structured by hand according to five components: 1) the subject of study, [s]; 2) the method/technique of its research, [m]; 3) the history of its studies, [h]; 4) the territory, [t]; 5) time [time]. The most common structures are 1-2-component: [s], [s][t], [s][m]. Their share in all analyzed arrays is more than 50%. As previously in medical journals, as now in geomorphological (for these arrays) was confirmed the hypothesis of a smaller share of titles with geographical region/place in the most cited papers: in ESPL is none, in "Geomorphology" are 44% of titles, while the annual content list of rest journals has them 87% (69 of 78 articles). Other hallmark of the most cited articles’s titles in geomorphology (and in contrast to medical journals) is an specification of the method (nearly half in both arrays). At the same time method is specified in 10–28% of titles of three annual sets.

O.V. Sheveleva, O.H. Kornus. Activation of Schoolchildren Cognitive Practice by Introducing the Elements of Innovation Technologies at the Lessons of Geography and Extra-Curricular Activities.

In the article are considered the methodical features of application of the innovative technologies at the lessons of geography and extra-curricular activities with the purpose ofactivation of cognitive activity of pupils. Examples are given for the application of creative tasks in various geography courses. Revealed are the opportunities of using interactive technologies for teaching activities at the lessons of geography and extra-curricular activities. The methodological appropriateness and peculiarities of usage of the project method at the lessons of geography and during the extra-curricular activities were showed.

V.V. Movchan, O.H. Kornus, A.O. Kornus. Ecological Education and Upbringing in the School Geography Course.

The aim of article is to outline the role of school geography in forming of environmental awareness of pupils. The analysis of program of the geography school course points to the wide opportunities of this discipline in the implementation of environmental education and upbringing of children and adolescents. introduction of methods ecological consciousness formation of pupils in geography lessons was reviewed and analyzed. Examples of use of the geographic approaches for the growth of ecological culture of pupils on the basis of knowledge obtained in the basic school, in accordance with the curriculum of geography and through the use of local material are given. The particular themes and sections of school geography for each class, when studying of which the teacher is required to pay attention to the formation of environmental thinking in the younger generation were defined.

O.S. Danylchenko, N.M Tkachenko. Use of Innovative Teaching Methods in Geography Class.

This article analyzes the use of teaching methods in geography class. Special attention is given to innovative teaching methods: «digest», «infographics», «geopolitical comment of events». Examples of application methods «digest», «infographics», «geopolitical comment of events» in geography class are given. In conclusion the authors emphasize the rules for the use of innovative methods (students’ age, the goal of the method, the role of a teacher, measured out information), special conditions (positive relationship between a teacher and pupils, democratic style of teaching, collaboration of teachers and students, students with each other, using various forms and methods of presenting information), efficient ways of using these techniques.

Y.P.Plyuschyk. Methodical Approaches for Enhancing Motivation to Study Geography at School.

The cognitive and social motives of learning have been considered. The main methods and techniques for enhancing the motivational component of educational activities of students in the school have been analyzed. It was found that motivation can be effective at different stages of educational knowledge within all the structural elements of the lesson. The organization of motivation focuses on the practical application of new knowledge for students. The ways, methods and techniques of influence on enhancing the motivation of the study of geography in grades 6-10 have been noted. Examples of creating an emotionally-valuable experiences situation (technique "Who is owner the words?"), a situation of cognitive novelty ("Surprise!", "Interested!", "The epigraph of the lesson," "the Riddle"), academic discussion (technique "Geographical Outlook"), the creation of problem situations (techniques "Cognitive argument", "a Problematic questions") have been represented.

V.V. Movchan. Participation of Pupils of the Hadyach District in Ecological Project «Save Environment Together».

In the article the significance of the environmental movement among students in order to preserve the environment. We give specific examples of search and research students Hadiach area.