A.O. Kornus, B.M. Neshataev. Life and Scientific Activity of V.D. Ogievskii (1861-1921).
This year marks 155 years since the birth of Vasily Dmitrievich Ogievskii - born in Sumy region, outstanding national forester with a broad outlook of geographer and geobotanist, one of the founders of the forest experimental work. The life and scientific way of the scientist are covered. Described reserve "Great Pinery" in Sobich forestry, where are forest pine trees plantations, planted by prof. V.D. Ogievskii.
E.A. Ivanov, I.P. Kovalchuk, M.Y. Tsaitler. The recultivation and phytomelioration potential estimation of OJSC “Boryslav ozokerite” heap.
A history of deposits development of Boryslav ozocerite field analyzed. For landscape-ecological problems spectrum studying found model place within mining allotment of ozocerite mine and Boryslav central part. Estimated degree of anthropogenic transformation and nature-economic systems pollution. In addition, was analyzed landscape structure of model place on landscape sublandfacet level and create landscape map in 1:1000 scale. Studied nature conditions of soil substrates and vegetation self-recovery on heap of ozocerite mining. Main attention was pay to geoecological modeling of vegetation cover distribution and succession development processes on heaps which created by ozocerite ore evaporation or extraction. Circumscribing natural habitats of sea buckthorn and other species of trees and bushes distribution, also opened (highly salted), flooded and muddied areas. Developed recommendations for remediation and phytomelioration anthropogenically transformed geosystems.
L.M. Novik, О.V. Bova. The Peculiarities of Landscapes Vertical Structure in Krolevetsky District.
The article presents an analysis of landscapes vertical structure in Krolevets district, Sumy region. Clarified the morphological structure of landscapes and followed the relationship between natural components in different landscape conditions. The regularities of the vertical structure of typical mixed forest and forest-steppe landscapes in Krolevets district. To study the natural territorial complexes (NTC) the profiling method was used. This method is widely used in different geographical sciences, but it is a complex landscape profile display vertical structures landscapes. When writing for topographic and thematic maps, stock and literary sources were constructed and analyzed the landscape profile Krolevets district, especially its main hypsometric performance. We consider five tiered structure of NTC, which crosses the line profile within the study area and their economic use.
A.S. Sokolov. Landscape Regularities оf Territories Anthropogenic Transformation (оn the Example of the South-East of Belarus).
For a territorial ecological-geographic analysis geosystem, or landscape-geographical approach which is setting up on the landscape structure of territory is the universal. The features of anthropogenic transformation of landscapes of southeast of Belarus are discussed in the article, dependence between natural properties of landscape (by character of surface, laying breeds, genesis) and indexes of its transformation are detected. It is shown that the highest degree of disturbance is specific for landscapes related to the species of hilly-wavy and hilly-rangy, that is landscapes possessing the most dismembered relief of surface. Flat and flat-wavy landscapes are the least broken. The landscapes related to the subgenera with the cover of loams (especially loesslike) are the most broken. Landscape subgenera with the superficial bedding of alluvial sands and peat are the least broken. Genera of secondary moraine landscapes is the most transformed, terraced alluvial, riparian and marsh are the least transformed.
O.S. Danylchenko. Some Adverse Processes Caused by River and Enhanced by Human Activities (on the Example of Sumy Region).
The spread of unfavorable natural processes, caused by constant water flow and aggravated by man’s activities, such as flooding on the territory of Sumy region were detected and analyzed. It was found that flooding (raise of ground water) is subject to only 0.17% of the region and flooding – less than 0.02%. The maximum flooded area in the basins of the Desna and Vorskla, minimum - in basin Sula. The largest area of flooding characteristic of the river basin Seіm, second and third position is occupied basins rivers Sula and Psel. Unfavorable processes such as landslides, what extended to the right, the indigenous slopes of river valleys have been considered. More than 150 landslides were installed. The most dangerous landsliding zones on the right bank of the rivers Symka and Oleshniа – 26 landslides.
V.D. Vasyleha. The Territorial Structure оf Health Care System оf Romny District аnd Territorial Accessibility оf Medical Services.
Petrography and stratigraphic features of sedimentary rocks Campanian and Maastrichtian Upper Cretaceous tiers allow us to say that the second half of the Cretaceous period in the geological record of Sumy region was marked by the existence within it a kind of sea basin, which was part of a large sea area, covered the East European platform. Temperature, salinity and depth of the sea basin were favorable for the development of organic life. The warm sea with normal salinity widespread representatives of brachiopods, elasmobranch and cephalopods, foraminifera, coccolithophorids, corals and many other types of animals and plants, and classes.
A.O. Kornus, V.Н. Yemets. Paleogeographic Conditions of Holocene Left Bank Polesie and Forest-Steppe of the Ukraine.
Paleogeographic reconstruction is one of the most important directions of modern study of nature as well for global and regional studies. The study of the natural features of past geological eras and modern epoch - the Holocene are essential for understanding the patterns of development and landscape change in time and space. In the article described landscapes of holocene Left-bank polissiya and forest-steppe of the Ukraine using palaeobotanic reconstructions by analyzing the regional types of spore-pollen diagrams. Incrementally described changing in vegetation cover of polissiya and forest-steppe zonеs of the study area. The results showed the dynamics of the vegetation that allows to compare the current state of the vegetation with flora of different time periods of the Holocene.
O.V. Koltun. Contemporary Morphology of the Khmelnytskyi City’s Nineteenth Century Quarries.
In present Khmelnytskyi city are remains of 10 quarries originating in nineteenth century. The loam and sandy loam were extracted for brick and tile materials in the 1860-1980's. The temporal changes of quarrie’s morphology are considered in the article. Results base on field observations, XIX-XXth centuries maps and geotechnical engineering data analysis. By the terrain place, 6 quarries belong to the slope type, 4 – to the complex type (slope-valley). There are the slopes of two right tributaries of the Southern Bug river, rivers Ploska and Samets. By the types of circuits, the half-closed type dominates. The height is unknown for 4 the oldest quarries. The rest 6 belongs to low type (less than 10 m, 3 quarries) and to medium high (10–50 m, the most is 17,1 m, 3 quarries). The 5 quarries fix vertical outcrops of quaternary loess deposits. They belong to those parts of quarries that have been mined in the second half of the twentieth century. Today slopes of 8 quarries are completely or partly terraced and built-up. The one former quarry has ponds on the terraced bottom. The landslides and erosion make less steep the parts of quarries that have not yet recultivated.
V.V. Vertel’. Potential Geological Protected Object of the Nature-Preserved Fund of Sumy Region.
In order to increase of objects of the nature reserve fund of Sumy region the author had collected materials that can serve as a scientific substantiation of newly geological protected areas. There was determined a list of geological objects of Sumy region, which can be assigned a protected status. As a result of research on the territory of region was found a number of potential geological objects for reservation. Among them are chalk outcrops in an inactive quarry near the village Barylivka, Krasnopillia district (object number 1), outcrops of chalk in an inactive quarry in the village Zarutske, Hlukhiv district (object n/umber 2), and old dumps and walls of sandstone quarry mining in the village Banychi, Hlukhiv district (object number 3).
The information we received should be considered as an official statement to include these objects to the nature-preserved fund of Sumy region. Materials that were got can be used by Department of ecology, natural resources and fuel and energy complex of Sumy Regional State Administration for the scientific ground of newly attractions of nature.
Considering the research results we suggest to give status of nature attractions to the geological object № 1 of local value: the designed geological attractions belong to the paleontology type (paleontologo-ecological), geomorphological. Object number 2 should have the status of natural attractions of local importance: the projected geological attractions belongs to the type of geo-ecological (technological), geomorphological. Taking into account the scientific value of object № 3, most arguments say about giving it a nationwide status; projected geological nature attractions belong to the type of geo-ecological (technological), geomorphological, petrological.
These geological objects are promising as proving ground for geological and paleontological studies, for excursions with pupils and students of natural specialties.
O.G. Kornus, O.S. Filonenko. The Territorial Structure оf Health Care System оf Romny District аnd Territorial Accessibility оf Medical Services.
The article reviews the current network of medical institutions in the Romny district. To establish the territorial availability of medical services for population of district was calculated the localization index, the index of the territorial concentration, and the average radius of service of medical institutions. Separately was analyzed the territorial accessibility of medical services provided by Central district hospitals.
Y. E. Burba. The Current Geodemographic Situation іn Lebedyn District оf Sumy Region.
In the article the modern features of demographic situation Lebedinsky district of Sumy region. It conducts assessment of the main geodemographic processes: the status of the natural and migratory movement of population, the population reproductive age distribution. Presents series of recommendations on improving the demographic situation in the district.
V.V. Avramenko. Social and Geographic Assessment of Processes Motorization Dynamics in Ukraine.
The article deals with the peculiarities of motorization in Ukraine, economic and geographic, economic and demographic aspects of motorization, studied the regional differentiation of motorization of the population of Ukraine, the dependence of motorization regions of Ukraine on their socio-economic development and so on. Also, the article discusses the dynamics of the process of motorization by region of the country. The dependence of purchasing power, depending on the exchange rate and analyzed patterns of purchases of new cars. Identified trends and patterns, which together point to significant instability of the national market of cars. Revealed that the highest level of availability of passenger cars characterized the city. Kyiv and leading regions in terms of population motorization is Kiev, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia, Lviv region. The analysis of some economic aspects of car ownership in Ukraine.
A.О. Belashova. Demographic Situation in Sumy City During 2006-2015.
In the article provided demographic situation in Sumy amounts over the last 10 years. We characterize the dynamics of population, fertility, mortality and natural growth, migration of the population. Consider the interrelation between men and women, average age of the population. Analyzed gender and age composition of the population based on the distribution of population by age and sex. The main reasons for the unfavorable demographic situation prevailing in the city and how they affect the main indicators of fertility, mortality and natural growth and migration of the population. Propose recommendations to improve the demographic situation in the city of Sumy.
O.S. Smyk. Evaluation of Medical and Demographic Status of Chernivtsi Region (in the Year 2015).
In the article considered questions of medical and demographic situation (overall population growth, gender and age structure of population, ethnic composition of the population, fertility, mortality) in the administrative districts Chernivtsi region. Analyzed disease population and identify the main types of diseases characterized the main reasons that (deterioration of quality of life, adverse environmental conditions, excessive stress load, reducing the overall level of culture, the spread of bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle) lead to disease and mortality Chernivtsi region.
The aim of this publication is to identify the main types of diseases, analysis of social, natural and environmental causes of the disease population of Chernivtsi region, consideration demographic status of the population of administrative districts of Chernivtsi region. Social, environmental, biological and other factors cause the occurrence of diseases and human diseases. A special place is occupied by natural conditions – the pollution of soil, water, air, food and more. As follows, the main task of the social study of health of the Ukrainian nation is regional analysis of specific diseases and illnesses.
K.Yu. Sehida. Geodemographic Forecast of the Kharkiv Region on the Basis of the Component Method.
This article deals with development of the forecast of Kharkiv region`s population number and structure in a section of the cities and districts by component method. The modern gender and age structure of the regional population, demographic loading, and general tendencies is presented in article. Methodical bases of calculation of expected values of population by component method, preliminary determination of survival coefficient based on 2009-2013 are presented. The forecast of population number and structure of the region in general and separately in the cities and districts is developed. Predicted values of demographic loading, perspective indicators of gender and age structure of the population and demographic loading for the forecast period (2014-2018) in the cities and districts of the region is calculated.
S.I. Zadvornyi. Human-Geographical Aspects of Reorganization of Cultural and Artistic Sphere of Khmelnytskyi Region in Terms of Decentralization.
The article deals with the human-geographic aspects of the reform of the territorial organization of state and local governments in the Khmelnitskyi region, including its impact on the cultural and artistic sphere of the region. The essence, the background and the phased formation and operation of joint capable of territorial communities. This research shows geospatial features of decentralization in the context of the future plans of territories forming communities of the region. The study demonstrated the influence of decentralization on the functional component, organizational management, functional and territorial structure of the sphere of culture and art of Khmelnitskyi region. It is analyzed territorial differentiation institutions core network of culture and art which held by local communities of villages, settlements and cities. The obtained results make it possible to describe intensity distribution of cultural innovation centers promising united communities. The study has confirmed the problems of cultural and artistic sphere during the reform and recommendation for improvement.
I.M. Filonenko. Coffee tourism and major regions of it`s development.
Nowadays, coffee tourism is one of the most interesting and perspective types of tourism. Brief history of coffee followed and especially its spread around the globe. Pay attention to the types and varieties of coffee and the difference between them. The basic features that can be used in the classification of coffee beans, is the allocation of their basic varieties. These major regions of the coffee tourism are South American, Central American, African, Asian, Australian and European which have the most famous centers in each of them. The basic premise allocation of the South American region of coffee tourism was growing coffee in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru , Ecuador, where interesting coffee laid trails with contemplation on technologies and growing coffee and subsequent tasting drink. We have already described the role of culture in the development of the local coffee tourism in some Central American countries, such as Cuba, Jamaica, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Panama and others. Coffee tradition considered the main coffee-producing countries of the African continent – Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and specificity of coffee tourism in them. We characterize the major coffee producing countries in the Asian-Australian region, the features and prerequisites of coffee tourism in India, Indonesia, Yemen, Vietnam, Australia. Considered European coffee tradition of tourism, their specificity, the most famous and popular centers. Pay attention to the prerequisites, possibilities and prospects of development of a coffee tourism in Ukraine, especially in Transcarpathia and L’viv region.
O.H. Kornus, A.O. Kornus, Yu.V. Lebed’. Development Prospects Medical аnd Health Tourism іn the Sumy Region.
The article analyzes the current state of the health-resort industry of Sumy region. Considered natural medical tourism resources: the number of days of sunshine, types of curative mineral water, forest, water and other resources. The territory of the region has interesting historical and cultural monuments, a wide network of nature reserve fund, and the natural-climatic, historical and cultural terms and is favorable for the development of health tourism. Sanatorium-resort infrastructure Sumy region includes 19 institutions, including 4 – resorts (3 of them for children), 3 – sanatorium, 12 recreation centers. The dynamics the number of different kinds of spa facilities and their spatial concentration in the region are analized. The characteristics of the largest spa facilities, such as the health resort «Tokari», «Buymerіvka Pine & SPA-Resort 1936», sanatorium «Oldysh» are also analysed. Described the chemical composition and curative properties of mineral water available in the region. Identified the problems and prospects of development of medical tourism in the Sumy region.
H.S. Reznikova, A.S. Vladymyrova, Yu.O. Aleksieienko. The Place of Ukraine in the Structure of World Tourist Market.
The development of tourism industry in Ukraine is a priority of the national economy and culture, an important factor in raising the international prestige of the country. The prospects of tourism industry in Ukraine and its place in the world are investigated. The paper conclusions on the development of both external and domestic tourism in our country.
S.I. Siutkin. Formation of New Recreational Needs of the Population.
The topical problems of research methodology of modern recreational geography and its interdisciplinary connections are considered; different approaches to assessment of the recreational needs of the population etc. are compared in the article. Particular attention is paid to the socio-economic assessment of the role of recreation as a form of goods and services consumption, leading to the formation of a whole sphere of economic activity, increasing the range of products of traditional industries and agriculture.
L.M. Kolesnyk. The Development of Ecotourism in Krasnopillya District With Used of Natural Reserve Fund.
The article discusses the prospects of tourism development using natural-reserve fund. It discusses a new kind of tourism activity – ecotourism. It contains cognitive information on objects the natural-reserve fund in Krasnopillya district.
The main purpose of the article is to study territorial characteristics of conditions and factors for agroecotourism development in Brest region on the basis of first appeared statistics indicators which reflect functionality of agroecofarmsteads from a perspective of administrative districts. The received scientific results are new as the main used indicators of agroecotourism development in view of administrative districts haven’t been published before. The received data of the territorial organization of agro tourism can be used for the planning of the net of agroecofarmsteads well as for the development of tourism in the regions of Belarus in general.
A.A. Berestok. Evaluation of the Development of Cultural and Educational Services as Associated Segment of Tourist Services in Sumy Region.
The article presents the results of the author's research, which was conducted by calculating the integral indicator of the level of additional cultural-educative services Sumy region on materials of available statistical base. It was determined that the main objects of cultural-educational subsystem of the regional service system of public are next cultural institutions: clubs, museums, theaters, cinemas, recreation parks and more. It was considered the state of cultural infrastructure and its activities during recent years identified trends of development and opportunities to use cultural institutions to diversify programs tourists stay in Sumy region. The main problems of the region is to maintain and develop the existing network of cultural institutions, provision of modern material-technical base, promotion of film service, transfer it to the new technologies of the show, development of museums, including excursion activities, introduction of new information services, providing qualified personnel, improve conditions and wages, etc.
The main problems of the region is to maintain and develop the existing network of cultural institutions, provision of modern material-technical base, promotion of film service, transfer it to the new technologies of the show, development of museums, including excursion activities, introduction of new information services, providing qualified personnel, improve conditions and wages, etc. It was defined territorial differentiation in the levels of additional cultural-educational services, carried grouping of administrative districts of Sumy region, in which the highest concentration of cultural institutions have Sumy, Glukhiv, Trostyanets, Shostka, Konotop and Krolevets districts.
D.V. Shiyan. Possibilities of Concept Theme Park in the Old Industrial Regions (for Example Kryvbas).
Thematic tourism – one of the most propulsive sectors in the global tourism industry. Traditional for Ukraine – mining and metallurgy area of specialization focus on the content of domestic tourism still presented rather poorly. The main feature of this industry is a powerful infrastructure with thousand-ton buildings, branched railroads, quarries, dumps, heaps. The organization also said objects "industrial heritage" as theme parks and a new direction is quite relevant.
The idea of theme parks in the old industrial regions can be successfully used in conjunction with existing components of industrial heritage. In particular, Kryvbas already established 11 industrial museums theme with many open-air museum. The next step is to create a theme park in Krivbass meaningful combination of these tourist attractions within a single theme – "City of underground miners". The proposed idea can be life-saving for old industrial regions cumbersome technical capacity which gradually depreciates influenced by postmodern trends.
T.M. Shovkun, T.O. Khomenko. Intersubject Links in the Geography Studying (оn Example оf Mathematical Cycle Disciplines).
The development of modern education is not possible without the use of an integrated approach to the study of various sciences. One of the most actual and modern problems of science is the study of the relationships between nature and society. Geography is the science, that combined with the use of knowledge of other disciplines allows to complete this task. It is difficult to name another discipline but geography, that could have such a wide range of intersubject communications. The paper reveals the understanding of intersubject communications as the actual means of an integrated approach to learning. Mastering generalized search activity skills and abilities to implement activities of intersubject communications by the students have been analysed. The common methods of activity and means of implementing intersubject communications in teaching geography and mathematics have been investigated.