B.M. Nesharaev, A.O. Kornus. Famous Geographer and Forester (on the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician G.M. Vysotsky).
George N. Vysotsky - the outstanding Ukrainian scientist in the field of forestry, soil science, geobotany, physical geography and hydrology, academician, the founder of the science of forest and forestry research. Author of over 200 scientific papers. He studied the effects of forests on the water regime of the area, laid the foundation soil hydrology in arid areas, developed the theory of transgressive role of forests, oak forests classification and deservedly recognized luminary steppe afforestation. Of great importance are developed by scientists to steppe conditions of trees and shrubs, trees and shady types of forest plantations.
B.N. Neshatayev. Features of environmental management in the Sumy Pridneprovye in the second half of XIX century and post-anthropogenous conditions of its landscapes.
The article examines anthropogenous nature using processes and their influence on structure and geoecological functions of local landscapes.
O.P. Gavrylenko. Ecogeography or Geoecology – ecologization of geography or geographization of ecology.
The process of geography and ecology convergence, which began in the days of Alexander von Humboldt and resulted in general trend of science greening, is analyzed. Paramount significance of ecology connection in its interdisciplinary contacts with geography is grounded. Arguments of the different sides of the discussion about the relationship between ecology and geography and also correct using of the terms «geoecology» and «ecogeography» are shown. Different approaches of various researchers to the definition of Geoecology and Ecogeography essence and modern perception of the «united» Geography ideas are considered. Object and subject, as well as Geoecology and Ecogeography theoretical and methodological foundations are analyzed. The main purpose and basic blocks of eco-geographical research are revealed.
V.O. Tuleneva, O.O. Redko. Vented-Climatic Situation of Central Districts of Sumy City.
Based on a large number (about 1.000) field measurements revealed some changes of wind speed around buildings, depending on the angle of flow, building height and density of planting.
V.O. Tyulenyeva, M.S. Khaliulina, O.V. Khriapina. Silting of rivers Sumka - one of environmental problems.
One of the most important environmental problems of the river Sumka are silting and flooding of the floodplain. The territory of Sumy town makes great contribution to pollution of solids particles of river and flooding promotes Kosivschynske reservoir which is located above. The article offers solutions to these problems.
O.S. Danylchenko. Features water regime of rivers Sumy region.
The article deals with the peculiarities of water regime of rivers Sumy region. Established the maximum expenses decreased spring flood and low-flow minimum value increased, confirming the trend annual distribution of flow.
A.S. Shulgach. The Biodiversity of Potential National Park “Lisova Pisnia”.
Biodiversity and eco-coenotic state of geosystem of Turia and Stokhid middle watershed are analyzed on the basis of the literature and fund sources and of the results of own researches conducted by the author in 2007-2013. Special attention is paid to detection of rare species of flora and fauna listed in Annex III of the Bern Convention, Red Book of Ukraine and are protected in the Volyn region. A significant component of rarity is one of preconditions for announcement of this territory as an object of nature reserve fund of national importance.
M.M. Melnyichuk, T.P. Bezsmertniuk. Nature Reserve Fund in the Structure оf Recreational Nature Management оf Volyn Region.
In the article the nature reserve fund in the structure of recreational area of Volyn region is considered. Nature reserve fund as an object of recreational nature management is described. The results of research of the nature reserve fund of Volyn region are represented, it is analyzed territorial and functional structures. The role and importance of natural protected areas and objects are considered for development of recreational industry of Volyn region.
A.V. Bova, J. S. Boyko. The Intensity оf Biological Absorption оf Trace Metals by Plants Autonomous Forest-Steppe Landscapes of Sumy Region.
The article presents the indicators of the intensity of biological absorption (Кϭ) typical plants of the Autonomous forest-steppe landscapes of Sumy region. Analyzes the impact on these indicators of landscape-geochemical conditions.
V.P. Vorovka. Formation and Development The Concept "Paradynamical Landscape System"
The paper analyzes the process of formation and development of the concept of landscape "paradynamical landscape system".
The essence of the modern understanding of it. The significance of this area of research for the modern landscape.
The necessity of applying the principle of contrast in the study paradynamical landscapes and systems.
O.V. Zastavetska, L.B. Zastavetska. The Regional Community as the Basis of Formation of Territorial Identification of People.
The problem of the formation of territorial identification of population-based territorial communities of different levels, as they determine the characteristics of self-organization in geographical space, its identification. It is within a certain territorial identity formed a people who live in it, and their specific features of life. They are caused by the fact of cohabitation, regional ties, unity of values, common culture and traditions, living conditions, ie territorial identity. It is an important factor of territorial identification of people. Lately territorial identification strengthened at various levels, particularly at the national and grassroots. Territorial identification is conditioned primarily ethnic and social composition of the population, historical and geographical factors forming the territory of others.
A.G. Potapovа, O.V. Hots. Description the Investment Potential of Volyn Region.
Basic approaches to the definition of «investment potential of the region» and features of formation of the investment potential of the region. Characterized the investment potential of the Volyn region. Proposed measures to improve the investment attractiveness of the region.
Makovetska L.O., Ptashnyk Y.O. Geographical Analysis of Industry Administrative District: Current Status And Perspective (For Example Rozhysche Raion of Volyn Region).
The article describes the social and geographical features formation of sectoral structure of industry. The modern industrial enterprises Rozhysche Raion by industries are analyzed. The main priorities and directions of investment activity in the industry Administrative Region are determined.
S.P. Skorohod, S.I. Siutkin. Spatial Analysis in Social Geography.
The evolution of human notions regarding space is considered, essence of the concept "geographical" and "social" space are defined, a direct relationship of space and time is established, and main approaches and methods of spatial analysis are described in the article.
N.V. Krasnopolskа, T.Y. Shvets. The Impact оf Production-Economic Factors оn the Quality of Life of the Population of the Administrative Districts of Volyn Region
The peculiarities of the influence of external factors on the formation of indicators of the level and quality of life of the population of the administrative districts of Volyn region. Analyzed the main indicators of production and economic factors, namely the structure and level of employment, the structure and specialization of the economy, financial support (investment) and the level of socio-economic development of the region. A comparative analysis of some indicators of production and economic factors affecting the standard of living of the population. On the basis of statistical indicators method of ranking conducted by grouping the administrative districts of Volyn region on production and economic indicators. Identify leading administrative areas are relatively better development of living standards. Identified priority areas for regional policy aimed at improving the performance of the economic complex of the region with the aim of raising the level and quality of life of the population.
V.I. Stafiichuk. The Current Ukraine’s Neighbourhood Political-Geographic Position.
The article discusses the current state of Ukraine’s political-geographic position under conditions of the Russian military aggression. It focuses on grouping Ukraine’s first-order neighbour states by similarity of their strategic goals. The emphasis is made on the necessity of Ukraine’s membership in the EU and NATO.
I.P. Mandryk, O.A. Shevchuk. Modern Peculiarities of the Development and Placing of Republic of Belarus Industry.
The article focuses on modern peculiarities of the development and placing of Republic of Belarus industry. The basic indexes of the work of Belarus industry in 2013 are analyzed in the paper. The peculiarities of the branch structure of the industry are found out. The structural changes and its reasons in manufacturing industry of the country were revealed. Regional differences in the industry development level and peculiarities of industrial centers and knots location at the territory of the country are defined. The biggest industrial knots of the republic are named and the factors of their forming are indicated. The basic problems of the development of Belarus industry are examined. Priority directions of the industrial complex development according to the “Program of the industrial complex development of Republic of Belarus until 2020” are defined.
K.H. Nelipa. General Description оf Functioning оf Labour-Market іs оn the Example оf the Melitopol District.
In this article, a short publicly-geographical description of basic indexes and tendency of functioning of labour-market of the Melitopol district of the Zaporizhzhya area.
A.O. Kornus, K.B. Voytenko Geographical Features of Development of Quaternary Economy Sector of the Ukraine’s Regions.
In the article the results of research of quaternary sector of the economy in the regions of Ukraine in terms of computerization and the creation and use of new technologies are given. It is shown his place and role in the economy of Ukraine and comparison of the information sector with the other economies of the world is showed.
O.O. Prykhodko, O.G. Kornus. Territorial Organization аnd Branch Structure оf Food іn Sumy Region.
The article highlights the main features of the food industry in Sumy region. The modern industrial structure highlights the main centers and other elements of the territorial network of the food industry, the dynamics of production industry for its species, and the characteristics of foreign economic relations of food complex in Sumy region. The author determined basic problems of the sector and identified priority areas of development.
O.O. Afonina. The Factors оf Formation аnd Development оf а Cultural - Educational Complex оn аn Example оf the Chernigov Area.
In the article the factors in development of a cultural - educational complex and their influencing on formation of a system of educational and cultural entities on an example of the Chernigov area are reviewed.
O.A Babych, V.N Krasnopolska. Role of Publicly Geographical Factors оn Forming Educational-Training Complex (on the example of the Volhynia area).
The article is devoted to the investigation of apprpaches to the formation educational-training complex which is a great category of sociogrographical investigation The structure of educational-training complex is given. The influence of socio-demographical factors, processes to the formation and operation of complex are disclosed.
N.V. Krasnopolskа, M.I. Ilina. Rating of Administrative Districts of Volyn Region According to the Natural Geographical Indicators and State of the Environment.
On the basis of the stock springs economic-geographers calculated and designed rating list and grouping of the administrative districts of Volyn region on the availability of natural-resource potential and performance (efficiency) of its use. The analysis and the relationship of these groups of indicators in the region.The expediency of their consideration and impact on the main macroeconomic indicators of socio-economic development, in particular the performance of agriculture. Identifies three levels of development of the agricultural sector by districts. Investigated the environmental condition of Volyn region, revealed spatial differences and held the ranking and grouping areas according to the main indicators of ecological condition.
V.V. Avramenko, S.I. Siutkin. Features of Traffic Accidents on the Roads Ukraine Depending on Socio-Economic Development Region and Orientation of Tourism.
The article deals with the quantitative characteristics of traffic accidents Traffic Safety Ukraine and their dependence on the level of socio-economic development and tourism focus areas.
J.А. Bazeliuk. The Meaning оf Medical Services Quality аnd Effectiveness іn Health Care Facilities System.
The basis notion of medical services quality and effectiveness in health care facilities achieved. Main attention paid to social component of these notions. Nature and content of health care services quality notion was determined. Made an attempt to systemize components, which forming studies concept. The research according to necessity of health care services quality and effectiveness estimation was conducted. Foreign experience in sphere of above task research was studied.
A. M. Slaschuk, L. V. Hladych Theoretical Aspects оf Studying Rural Settlement.
The study of rural settlement in the region is important for its rational territorial organization, providing quality of life of people in the settlements. In the paper systematically the theoretical basis of rural settlement, the main approaches to the typology of rural areas and its various forms of scientists, the main factors placing the rural population.
L.V. Otych. S.I. Siutkin. Regional Differences of Quality of Life in Sumy Region.
The article deals with the concept of "quality of life" of the population, as well as a set of factors that affect it. Testing of the methodology of research is carried out by the example of Sumy region.
M.Y. Hinzula. Assessing the Impact оf Light Industry оn Environmental Components (For Example, Private Company "Texterno").
This article analyzes the specific development of light industry Ternopil region, highlights the main features and problems of the industry. For example, private company enterprises of the industry highlights the key problems geoecological industrial facility. A detailed study of the production process of a particular industrial facility with the release of parts and steps on the effect of air, water and soil environmental components. Characterized and evaluated sources of air pollution companies, calculated by the method of habitat pollution industrial enterprise, the results are decorated in a mapped schemes. The dynamics of water use and impact on the ground, covered geoecological main problem in these areas of nature.
I.G. Smyrnov. Military Logistics аnd National Currencies іn the International Tourist Business in Historical Aspect: Latin American Example.
Revealed the relationship of military logistics and national currency in the international tourism business in historical perspective on the Conkista example, that is the Spanish conquest of Central and South America, including the Aztec and Inca empires in the XV-XVI centuries. Special attention is devoted to seizure by Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico) and logistical aspects of the operation, which include using of water transport (brigantine), identifying and blocking supply routes of the military equipment, food and water to the Aztec’s capital.
I.M. Filonenko. Cheese Tourism the Nature, Conditions, Features of.
Highlights the essence of cheese tourism as one of the most promising tourist destinations; considered historical features cheese and its current trends. These countries - the largest manufacturers and exporters of cheeses and developed areas of the country and cheese tourism. The basic premise of cheese Tourism in Ukraine, studied the most promising areas, facilities and routes, which are the basis of this type of tourism in our country.
J.V. Tertychna. Hungarian Ethnic Group оf Zakarpattia Region аs а Resource оf Etnoekzohennyy Tourism.
Ukraine-Hungarian relations have a long history. The territory of Zakarpattia region often was a part of the Kingdom of Hungary. This all contributed to the fact that in the region remained many objects of etnoekzohennyy tourism.
V.U. Pestushko. Tourism as a Source оf Income.
A common understanding of the foreign tourism as the main source of income is not justified. As the analysis of statistical data on earnings from foreign and domestic tourism in the whole world and in the leading destination of different regions shows the dominant role of domestic tourism. In Ukraine, over the last 20 years it is also observed a tendency to increase in the share of revenues from domestic tourism in total revenues from the sale of travel products.
M.J. Syvyj. About Building Materials Provision іn Ukrainian Regions.
The largest amount of total proven reserves and the greatest variety of building materials with significant share in the national balance sheet are primarily characteristic of Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Luhansk regions. Some administrative regions provision with total reserves of building materials ranging 140-1598 tons / person, so figures differ by more than 11 times. Indicators of provision area residents with building materials directly proportional to the territorial density (area provision) and inversely - the population density of (density) of the region. The highest level of raw materials provision is in Zhytomyr and Poltava, the lowest - in Sumy and Volyn regions. In most areas provision indicators are 300-500 tons of raw material per 1 inhabitant.