Neshataev B.N. Social geoecology as a scientific discipline in dual geography.

In is studied theoretical and methodological issues of formation and development of geoecology as an integral scientific direction in dual geography

Tyleneva V.A., Shkirya O.B. The consequences of the climate change and the degree of its influence for forestry.

Considered the temperature of Sumy region, which is also, has a tendency to increase. In analyzing the amounts of precipitation – the opposite pattern, and therefore the main climatic characteristics – the coefficient of moisture from May to September, drastically reduces its indexes. So this period is very dangerous because of the fires and drying of pine seedlings and other plants. Krasnopolye forestry notices great litter, drying plants, leading to an increase in the cost of care in growing forest crops. Therefore it is necessary today to start replacing our popular species of conifers to breed more resistant to drought. At the beginning it will lead increase of seed`s costs, but quickly give financial return.

Mammadov A.S., Hasanova N.I. The reason of probable climate changes. In this article it was investigated the climate change reasons with taking into account the mass balance of the Earth.

It is using the Maxvell equation of the static physics. According to the keeping of balance the number of the fractions coming from the galaxy system and the number of the fractions leaving the earth is equal. The approximately evaluations shows that there is less hesitations of the mass balance according to the impact of anthropogenic factor.

Kornus A.A. Geographical Evaluation of Soil Fertility of the Sumy Region.

The basic indicators of soil fertility of the Sumy region: humus, nutrients, yield levels of major crops are investigated. Found that fertility of soils of the is region decreases – there is a negative balance of humus, rapid mineralization of organic matter. The application of mineral and organic fertilizers does not compensate for the loss of natural fertility

A.V. Bova. Migration of heavy metals in natural forest-steppe landscapes of the Sumy district.

The article informed about the amount of heavy metals which receipt into natural forest-steppe landscapes with atmospheric precipitations and dart out from a river flow. The atmospheric modules of receipt and modules of taking away of heavy metals from a river flow were calculated, their average annual geochemical balance in the forest-steppe landscapes of the Sumy district were determined.

O.S. Danylchenko. Methodology and estimation of the anthropogenic burden on basin of river Sumka.

Characterized factors of anthropogenic influence on basin of river and methodology of research of anthropogenic burden. The special attention is spared to determination of the anthropogenic burden on basin of the river Sumka. Determined that the state of basin of the river Sumka is maximally anthropogenic-changed, basin of the river Strilka is conditionally natural, basins of the rivers Guska, Lupovyi Yar, Sychonosivka get in the category of anthropogenic-changed.

E.A. Batrachenko. Dynamics of Soil State while Agricultural Usage of the Area.
Strengthening of agricultural impact on components of natural landscapes, the scales adjoining on violation of their stability get. The above causes relevance of local and regional monitoring of a condition of a soil cover as it is a material basis of formation of agrolandscapes.
V.V. Movchan. Regional Landscape Park "Gadyachskij": structure and ways of optimization.
The paper considers imperfect structure of the newly established regional landscape park "Gadyachskij." Proposed solutions to this problem.
S.I. Siutkin, L.S. Makarenko. Electoral Geography of Ukraine.
The main factors leading to rapid transformation of electoral geography into the most important component of political geography are discussed, methods of "electoral engineering" are examined, election systems and mechanisms of elector’s will misrepresentation are compared, selection of optimal electoral system for Ukraine is justified in this article etc.
H. P. Korniyko, G. G. Leontyeva. Microcities of Ukraine, their problems and prospects.
The article highlights microcities of Ukraine. Their distribution in the territorial-administrative aspect. Factors and reasons for existence of cities. Prospects microcities in the future.
Holosnichenko A.B. Of changes in service Belopol'skij school district of Sumy region.
The paper discusses the major changes in the school district serving Belopolsky Sumy region. Features of the functioning of educational districts as the most effective way to quality education in rural areas.
O.G. Kornus, A.V. Yemets. The main aspects of the chemical industry of Sumy.
The article deals with the main aspects of the chemical industry in the industrial complex of Sumy. The characteristics of the main companies in the sector is given. It is outlined the main problems and prospects of the chemical industry.
S.N. Sokolov. Problems and Prospects of Regional Socio-economic Development of Asian Russia.
Some of the problems of socio-economic development of the Asian Russia are identified, the prospects of its regional development are grounded. This requires a radical change of economic course of the region and improvement of the geographical culture. The scheme of the concept of optimal spatial-temporal organization of the productive forces of the Asian Russia are invited.
S.P. Skorohod, S.I. Siutkin. Geogemographic Guidelines od Students in Sumy Region.
The article outlines some aspects of demographic forecasting, such as preferences of students for the future residence, average age of marriage, expected birth rate and the impact of financial status of parental family on the amount of children in young families.
Іgnatienko Y.V. Evolution of scientific attitudes on the nature of the concept "infrastructure".
In this article attempt to clarify the meaning of "infrastructure" based on analysis of existing approaches. The analysis of the evolution of scientific thought on understanding of the concepts of "infrastructure".
Belik E.V. Formation of a system of indicators, as an important component of the concept of sustainable development of the region.
Over the last decade in the world are increasingly starting to spread «indicator of thinking». The need for instrumental evaluation of the ongoing processes, to give them a retrospective analysis and try to look to the future require the formation of appropriate indicators and metrics. These trends clearly manifested themselves in the concept of sustainable development. Indicators of sustainable development should be used for various power structures and decision-makers, and the General public as a kind of barometer of the ecological condition of the world, countries and regions, the processes and tendencies of development occurring in them.
G.Y. Sydorenko. Virtual Tourism: The end of the traditional tourism?
The article is about a quit new type of tourism – virtual. This work presents a description of virtual tourism, its advantages and limitations as well as a comparison with a traditional tourism. The purpose of the article is to explore selected type of tourism and answer the question if virtual tourism can replace the traditional one.
Chernova G.V. Features of Development of Restaurant Economy of Vinnytsia Region.
The features and prospects of restaurant economy development of the Vinnytsya region are examined in the article. The territorial differences in providing of restaurant business enterprises within the limits of region were found out, the modern tendencies of production organization were considered on the example of catering.
V. V. Chaika, L. G. Moskalenko. To the question about the tectonic structure of the basin of pool the river Psel.
The analysis of tectonic studied of is resulted. The comparative analysis of tectonic terms of contiguous territories grounds to suppose the presence of local tectonic structures, explaining morphogenetic processes in the pool of the river Psel.
M.G. Krylovets. The Innovative Approaches in the Formation of Paleontological Concepts.
The article deals with a burning problem nowadays – including innovation Technologies in the process of paleontology teaching in the higher educational are establishment. The author definied the main using advantages of interactive teaching forms, the demands which are given to an instructor and certain roles, which he performs in the process interactive study.
G.V. Kozlova. Educational and Research Activity of Pupils as the Means of Teaching Situation Performance Improvement.
The article deals with the educational and research activity of pupils in terms of Federal State Educational standards implementation. The role and position of pupils’ researches in the school organization and management are determined. The article also presents the observation results reflecting teachers and pupils’ attitude towards the educational and research activity in the course of studying geography.