A.А. Kornus. To Memory of A.M. Krasnov (1862-1914).

The article is devoted to the life and scientific work of Andrei Nikolaevich Krasnov – outstanding physical geographer, geobotany and traveler, explorer territory of Sumy region, the author of over 300 scientific papers.


A.M. Mikailov. Influence of Irrigated Agriculture in the Kur-Araz Lowland on Desertification Process.

In article reduction of biological fertility of soil, feature of development of desertification, as a result of intensive development of irrigated agriculture in the Kur-Araz lowland, which is considered one of the largest economic centers of Azerbaijan has been investigated.


I.S. Popovich. The Specific of Research of the Natural Geoecological Emergencies.

The article deals with the concept of geoecological situation described specific studies of natural geo-ecological situations of emergency.


B.N. Neshataev. The Natural Rhytm of genesis flood plain.

Theoretical and methodological aspects of the natural rhythm in the formation and development of flood plains in the Holocene are observed.


V.G. Miakota. Criteria for Geoecological Evaluation of Main Pipelines.

The article considers the criteria of geoecological assessment of main pipelines, including the factors the safe operation of the main pipelines and the value of the territory adjacent to the route.


R.A. Ismayilov. Changes of Samur River Flow Under the Influence of Economic Activity.

These studies are about the changes of water consumption at Samur River for its rational uses. Changes of the water consumption in Samur River estimated using different approaches. A long-term anthropogenic change of the annual flow of the Samur River has been studied by author. Impacts of water withdrawals to the regime of this river were analyzed.


A.V. Mikhailichenko, P.I. Merkulov. Retrospective Analysis of the Interaction of Society and Nature on the Territory of Mordovia.

In article process of interaction of society and the nature in the course of territory development (on an example of the Republic of Mordovia) is considered. During research the main stages of process of development of the territory of Mordovia since the most ancient times are in details restored so far. The special attention is given to geoecological changes of landscapes which affected a current state of landscape structure of the territory. Thus, the considered stages of development play large role at formation of the modern concept of stability and social and economic development of the region.


O.P. Semeryaha. Landscape Diversity of Belligerative Landscapes of Dnipropetrovsk Region.

We consider division beliherative landscapes, their peculiarities of different landscapes, the structure of individual settlements, walls and other beliheratives landscapes.


P.I. Merkulov, S.V. Merkulov, S.V. Sergeycheva. Geographical Analysis of Bioclimatic Conditions of the Volga Federal District.

Results of calculations of seasonal and annual spatial distribution of bioclimatic indexes with an estimation of comfort of territory. Laws are revealed and schemes of their spatial distribution have been constructed. It is established that distribution of the basic bioclimatic indexes at Privolzhsky region arotidsu by rather big spatial heterogeneity and time variability during the various periods of year. Time tendencies of all considered indicators testify to improvement of bioclimatic conditions during the cold period of year in Privolzhsky region and stability in the warm.


О.V. Bova. Balance of Microelements in Forest-Steppe Landscapes of Sumy Area.

The article presents data on the number of macro elements that come in natural steppe landscapes of precipitation and river runoff are made of. Estimated revenues modules and module flow macro enabled to determine their average annual geochemical balance in the natural forest-steppe landscapes of Sumy region.


О.Yu. Golub. The Structure of Urban landscapes of Sumy.

The structure of Sumy urban landscapes is investigated in the article from the position of their controllability and monitoring. 


G.Yu. Sydorenko. Oleshkovsky Sands – Only Kind of Assets in Europe?

The article is about a unique territory in Ukraine - Oleshky sands that is often called a desert, semi-desert or just sands massive. This work presents a description of Oleshky sands and other similar places. The main task was to reveal the problem, whether this natural Ukrainian sandy object is the only one of its kind in Europe.


O.S. Danylchenko. The Mineralization and the Main Ions in the Water of Small Rivers of Physiographic Provinces of Sumy Prydniprovya.

The article considers the mineralization and the main ions in the water of small rivers of Sumy Prydniprovya. The special attention is paid to increase of mineralization and the main ions in water in different seasons.


O.V. Kholoptsev, A.O. Paraskiv. Forecasting of Vicissitudes General Ozone Content Over the Aroza View Large-Scale Process of Interaction Ocean and Atmosphere.

It is offered a method which allows to define conditions at which statistic communications between changes of the common content of ozone over some point of a terrestrial surface and some large-scale processes of interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere which precede them, in the future with high reliability remain essential. On an example of changes of this characteristic in the atmosphere over Arozа (Switzerland) features of their long-term prediction taking into account similar factors, as arguments of multiple regression model of noted process are considered.


V.V. Movchan. Analysis of the Current State of Natural Reserves "Yary-Zahatky".

The article deals with the species composition, structure and origin of forest stand key element in the valley Khorol. Deals with the degree of anthropogenic pressure on forest ecosystems.


V.V. Movchan. The Origins оf Environmental Affairs іn Poltava Region.

The article reported on the establishment of parks and botanical gardens of landlords in the period from the mid-18th to early 20th centuries. Also briefly described the current state of the object.


A.V. Holoptsev, A.A. Shidlovskaya. Features of Changes in Characteristics of Heat Flow Entering the North Atlantic From its Southern Part and Large-Scale Processes in the Period 1950-2010.

Reaction field of surface temperatures of the Atlantic to the enhanced greenhouse effect is to increase the flow of heat delivered to the northern part of its jets of the South Equatorial Current, as well as synchronization of changes in this flow and the characteristics of large-scale processes of interaction between ocean and atmosphere. In reaction to this process the field of atmospheric pressure is to reduce the difference of atmospheric pressure in the Azores maximum and minimum of Iceland.


O.G. Kornus. The Evaluation of Demographic Situation in the Sumy Region.

The article explored the modern demographic situation in the Sumy region. The dynamics of fertility, mortality and natural population growth. Identified the main causes of the demographic crisis affecting the level of fertility, mortality, natural reduction. A number of recommendations to improve the demographic situation in the region.


N.U. Abakumova, S.G. Kazakov. Comparative-Geographic Analysis оf Kursk Citizen's Electoral Preferences оn the Election оf the State Duma (2007 and 2011).

The article discusses the background and factors of electoral preferences formation of the Kursk voters in the case of State Duma deputies elections of the fifth and sixth convocation.


S.V. Pankov, A.A. Prilipuhov. Hydrographic Stipulated Placement of Rural Settlements of the Region of Central Black Earth.

Region of Central Black Earth, divided into two climatic zones – forest-steppe and steppe, has a fairly favorable landscape conditions for the formation and development of rural settlements, while there is some differentiation in the distribution of settlements and the formation of local groups settlements due to topography, the presence of forests, and of course, drainage network.


Yu.V. Shulha, G.G. Leont′eva. Changes in the Demographic Situation in Sumy Region Years of Independence (1991-2011 years).

The main features of the demographic situation that became typical for Ukraine in the period from 1991 till 2011 are considered in the article. Some prognoses were suggested according to the second all Ukrainian census of population in 2013.


S.I. Siutkin, S.M. Telicki. Modern Conditions of Administrative-territorial Structure of Ukraine and the Ways of its Improvement.

In the article actual problems of functioning of modern administrative-territorial division of Ukraine are considered and long-term ways of improvement are suggested in order to make better the state regional policy in order to reduce regional disparities and ensure high level of vital activity of the population in all regions.


T.V. Lymar, S.M. Shevchuk. Zoning of Transport Complex of the Poltava Region.

The article finds out the theoretical and methodological foundations of transport and geographic zoning, which is one of the aspects of the study of the region transport complex. Zoning of the transport system of the Poltava region is investigated and transport and geographical areas are distinguished and proved.


E.V. Belyavtseva. The Importance of Transport Factor in the Formation and Operation of a Large City Suburban Area (on the Example of the City Simferopol).

Passing to the market conditions of management, municipal and economic reforms were created by terms for permission of many problems of ecological, economic, demographic, nature protection character. It causes the change of intercommunications in community of city and rural localities. In activity of agricultural and the urban areas are esteemed as historically formed natural-social-economical territorial commonalities, which have developed in borders of certain terrain. They are characterized by specific functional frame, general designed and specific functions in development of company and are in constant development. There are detected general trends in development of manufacturing, demographic, recreational, historic-cultural, nature protection and administrative functions in the rural and urban areas.


Afonina O.O. The Analysis of Branch Structure of Food Market of the Chernihiv Region.

In the article the branch frame of the food market of the Chernigov area is parsed. Dan an estimation of the food markets vegetative and cattle-breeding production. 


M.V. Cherniak, L.M. Kushnir. Modern Aspects of Regional Policy the Ukraine.

The article defining the strategic directions and principles of regional policy, which should reinforce cooperation at all levels.


O.V. Khlusova. Social and Geographical Features of Ukrainian Food Market.

It was analyzed the level of production and using of food products by inhabitants in Ukraine.


I.I. Holovach. The Territorial Structure Establishments of Educational System in the Sumy Area.

In the article the territorial educational structure establishments (preschool, school, vocational and higher) had investigated by using such methods as districting, calculation indexes of localization and agglomeration of industries. In accordance with the integral indexes of the territorial placing of educational system establishments in the Sumy area, had made dividing administrative districts in to types. For vocational and higher education had been distinguished districts with the optimal location of educational establishments.


О.O. Mylynchuk. The Influence of the Forest and Economic Operation on the Forest Resources Structure of Sumy Region.

This article investigated the potential wood resource of the area by analyzing the fund statistic data of the wood services, also revealed the present state of the forest in view of their historical past and suggested a number of proposals for improving the forest resources of Sumy region.


V.P.Seletskyj, V.V.Sakharuk. Use of the Sluch river basin in tourism.

This article discusses features of the basin of the Sluch river in the tourism and recreational activities. It also provides an assessment of natural, historic and cultural resources and the development of active forms of boating in the region.


I.N. Sharukho, U.S. Demjanionok. Аgro Manors in Sustained Development Suburban Territories of Belarus.

The major directions of modern regional policy of Belarus – reduction of disproportions between city and village, the decision of problems of progress of rural territories – are certain by National strategy of sustainble social and economic development, a number of the state programs. In sustainble development of a countryside not last role can win back аgro manors. In article tendencies, conditions for progress аgro & ecological tourism, аgro manors, regional features of their accommodation, their possibility in stable progress are analyzed. The author's treatment of a definition «аgro manors» is given.


N.V. Shkurko. Use of Building the Northern Territory for Forming Yakutia Exotic Tour.

The world is rapidly gaining popularity exotic tourism associated with of stay in an unusual representative of modern technological civilization recoil lennom region to develop the traditional ways of life and the foundations of Aboriginal culture, elements of recreation and leisure.

This paper describes a proposed regional company «Hotu-tour» an exotic tour of one of the most northern and sparsely populated areas of Yakutia – «Timeless River Undulyung world». The tour includes not only fishing and hunting, but life in the tribal community of еvenkiyas, the study of hunting customs and rituals of aborigines of North.


N.S. Shkurko. Excursion-Tourist Activity on Specially Protected Natural Territories of Yakutia.

There are hunting turns and tourism of day off very popular at the market of tourist services of Yakutia. Experts consider that most effectively natural resources are saved and accustom in national natural parks due to development of ecological tourism, excursion activity, that differ in the maximal level of good organization and minimum level of influence on ecosystems.

National natural park “Ustji-Viljuisky” is famous the unique natural resources. At corresponding investments and good marketing service this park can become the successful object of international scientific and ecological tourism financially.


G.A. Kolpashnikov, K.R. Litvinovich. Distribution Patterns of Genetic Types of Surface Deposits of the Eastern Part Belarusian Polesie and Their Significance for Construction.

In the article the distribution patterns of surface sediments on the basis of the study of their origin and material composition (integral curves of the concentration, precipitation, roundness of grains, etc.) and recommendations for use of the results obtained as the bases of buildings and constructions.


V.V. Chaika, L.G Moskalenko, Yu.P. Sokolov. The Modern Landslide Processes in Psel Basin Within Sumy Region.

Analysis of exogenous and endogenous processes was performed by example of river basin Psel within Sumy region, which assist sliding processes and activization of old stabilized slides. The geography of sliding processes in the basin of river Psel is identified by litological composition of geological rock in conditions steep indigene banks of river Psel and its tributaries.


G.A. Kolpashnikov, V.I. Shkoda V.G. Miakota. The Risk of Dangerous Processes Geological in Construction.

The article considers the modern dangerous geological processes on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and their effect on the various types of construction activities.


J.M. Matviyishynа, S.P. Karmazynenko, V.I. Kvitkovsky, G.P. Zadvernyuk. Results of Soils and Sediments Paleopedologycal Investigations of the Saltovsky Archaeological Culture Staying Near the Village Pyatnitskaya of the Kharkiv Region.

Results of pedologycal (macro- and micromorphological) investigations of archeological object of Saltanivska culture near Pyatnitske village of Kharkiv region were described. The significance of pedologycal investigations, for natural conditions reconstruction of the ancient people existence (8th-9th century AD) for active use of micromorphologycal data and humus content indexes of Holocene sediments, is shown.


V.V. Movchan. The Development of Creative Abilities of Small Complete School Pupils Through Participation in the Small Academy of Sciences.

The article deals with ways of developing creative abilities of students malokomplektnyh schools as part of student-centered learning.