B.N. Neshataev. The Аctual Geoecological Problems of the Sumy Transdniperia.
Modern ecosubjective potencies, conditions of regional landscapes and their geoecological optimization are examined in the article.
B.N. Neshataev. The Terraces Above the Flood Plain of the Valley-River Systems of the Upstream Waters of the Psel and the Worskla, Their Genesis and Geoecological Optimization.
Processes of formation and development of the pleistocene terraces in conditions of the periglasious region of Sumy Transdniperia are examined. Geoecological optimization of their modern natural-resource potential is offered in the article.
V.V. Movchan, A.O. Kornus. The New Ecological Kernel at Psel Ecocorridor.
Arguments are examined after and against creation of regional landscape park in the middle flow of river of Psel. It is grounded necessity of creation of the such naturally-protected unit.
G.V.Tambovtsev, M.V. Serdyuk. Basic Problems and Prospects of Nature Used of the Zaporozhia Region.
The analysis of ecological and economic processes of the Zaporozhya region is given in the article. The idea of the economic activities and to what extent they influence the geographical and ecological balance is brought out. The factors breaking ecological balance are revealed. Ways and tendencies of evolution of wildlife management of area are planned.
A.V. Bova. Some Features of Typical Plants Chemical Composition of the Forest-Steppe Part of Sumy Region.
In the article data are cited about maintenance of some chemical elements in the typical plants of forest-steppe of the Sumy region. The analysis of maintenance of chemical elements is executed for the different landscape-geochemical terms of research territory (basin of Psel). Research results enable to re-done a conclusion about geochemical specialization of separate prospects and groups of plants and to define influence on forming of chemical composition of plants soils and laying rocks which are the basic source of receipt of elements in vegetable organisms.
V.V. Movchan. Local Natural Reservates as Functional Component Elements of the Proected «Gadyachskiy» Regional Landscape Park.
In the article the necessity of creation of regional landscape park is examined within the limits of the valley-river system of Psel on territory of Gadyach district. Short description of natural terms of future park and separate reservates which a park will be created on the basis of is also given.
O.S. Danylchenko. Geography-Hydrological and Basing Approaches in Modern Hydrological Investigation.
The article dels wils two major approaches of hydrological investigation: geography-hydrological and basing. The special attention is paid to privileges and significances of approaches. In conclusion the author stresses about complex, syntheses approach, that connect basing and landscapeful-hydrological methods of research.
V.P. Shulga. A Landscape Variety as Basic Constituent Naturally Cultural Environments of the Sumy Region.
In article the preconditions of formation of natural-cultural environment of the Sumy region are considered on the basis of comparison of the circuits historical-cultural and physical-geographical divisions. Landscape variety of territory is determined as main precondition of formation and development «Manors culture» ХІХ of century. For preservation of unique natural-cultural landscapes the consideration them is offered as objects of ecological tourism.
S.I. Siutkin. The Political Map of the World as the Superobject of Political Geografy.
In this article interobject links of political geography are analyzed and different contexts of using the notion «the political map of the world» are examined. Abstractly scientific understanding of the political map of the world is offered as the superobject of political geography. An attempt to put in good order the notional-terminological apparatus of political-geographical exploration of the political map of the world was made.
L.O. Khomenko. Quantitative Assessment оf Acute Ethnic Conflicts.
The article presents an author’s approach to the classification of international and ethnic conflicts. Also substantiates compliance of selected indicators to reality international relations.
S.I. Siutkin, I.V. Zinchenko. Functions of the Сountry Boards.
The most important characteristics of the country boards are examined in the article, in particular an attempt to compare different methods of their classification was made. The comparison of barrier and contact function of the country boards and formation of the «transboarding regions» is considered in this article very attentively.
O.G. Kornus. Demographic Aspects of Labour Potential Forming of the Sumy Region.
In the article influence of demographic situation is analysed on forming of labour potential in the Sumy region. It is investigational modern demographic situation in a region. Perspective directions of improvement of labour potential are described.
Y.S. Stashko, S.I. Siutkin. The world Сapitals Тypification.
The article describes the types of capitals, their functions and ways of placing on the state.
I.М. Sharukho. Paleoethnocultural Geography оf Belarus.
The article is deals analysis of paleoethnocultural situation in Belarus. Consideration problems of history populated with various tribes from paleolith to early Middle Age. According to genogeographical, archaeological, historical, toponymical returns consideration Belarus such theoretical motherland of Indoeuropeans and Slaves.
L.I. Popkova. Value of Russian-Ukrainian Border-Line Space in the Territorial Structure of Countries.
It is necessary to determine the location of the Russian-Ukrainian border in the territorial structure of the countries in which it is affiliated, to make a concept of socio-economic development of the region and its practical implementation, taking into consideration all the peculiarities of both sides. The research was held on both sides of the border. Historical roots and Russian-Ukrainian border area were analyzed. This work was positioned as the beginning of systematic monitoring of socio-economic development of the borderland.
Z.M.Matvyiyshyna, A.M. Bragin, S.P. Karmazinenko. The Paleogeographies Forming Conditions of Subaeral Quaternary Deposits of Flat Part of Ukraine and Minerals Related to Them.
The paleogeographical conditions for the alluvial, glacial, aqva-glacial and eolian-deluvial deposits creation on the plain territory of Ukraine is characterized. The special attention have been paid to the conditions of formation and to the physical-mechanical properties of the separate horizons loess layers. The useful mines with these deposits is designated (build materials, peat, underground water and another) is designated.
V. Chaika. To the Question About the State of Geological Monuments of Sumy Region.
State of some protected objects of Sumy region causes a disturbance. We lose geological monument cost of which is priceless. We lose due to absence of the personal public position and proper attitude toward an environment. Afterwards absence of necessary education will result in doing impossible of rescue of man from itself.
V.M. Palukh. The Development Concept of “Geological Monument of Nature”.
The rise and development of concepts of "geological monuments of nature" and "monuments of non-living nature" have been analysed in scientific and popular literature. Given the understanding of the concept of "geological-geomorphological monuments of nature" and substantiated the expediency of its scientific use.
L.G. Moskalenko, V.V. Chaika. Geomorphological Structure of Polygon Field Geographical Specialties Students Practice.
Geomorphologic map is a modern study morphogenetic processes in the basin of Psel. It is also a basis for landscape mapping to further assess the landscape and environmental conditions. Map performed according to the requirements of the geomorphologic maps.
О.I. Bedlinsky, V.M. Bedlinska. Interest Development to the Geography Study.
The paper considers the problem of the formation of interest to the study of geography, development of geographic and geo-strategic thinking.