Hasanov S.L., Hasanov E.L. Innovative Basis of Research of Energy-Efficient Potential and Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Sources.

In recent years, countries of the world have been trying to attract new energy sources (wind, sun, biogas, waves, drainage, non-conventional energy sources such as hydroelectric power of small rivers) in their fuel-energy balance. Azerbaijan has renewable natural resources, favorable for its energy-efficient potential, according to the amount of sunny and windy days. In this article was given total information about renewable energy potential of Azerbaijan Republic. In this article we use information which was given by The State Program on the Use of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources materials.


Pavlovska T. S., Rudyk O. V., Biletskyi Y. V., Borovets M. F. The Structure of the Lutsk Built Up Land In and Its Dynamics.

In the article the structure of the built-up land in 2016 were analyzed. A comparative analysis of the structures of the built-up land in Lutsk and Volyn region and their changes during the specified time period has been carried out. For this purpose, the share of built-up land in Volyn region, the share of built-up land of Lutsk in the structure of the built-up areas of the region, the share of built-up lands of the regional center in the structure of its land fund was determined. Modern structures of the built-up lands of Lutsk and Volyn region are represented graphically; time data of areas of different categories of built-up lands in the studied areas is presented in tabular form. The research was carried out using materials from the Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster in Volyn region (data form 6-zem on January 1, 2010, 2013, 2016).Lutsk and its dynamics during 2010-2016


Kornus A.O., Tretiakova O.M. Radioactive Pollution by Natural Radionuclides of the Territories of Oil and Gas Fields of the Sumy Region.

The article describes the causes of pollution of oil and gas fields by natural radionuclides. It was found that 226Ra, 223Ra, 232Th, 227Th, 40K, 214Pb, 212Pb, 210Pb, 228Ac 235U make the main contribution to the named radioactive contamination, which sediment on the pipes surface and other equipment. In the Sumy region, the main pollutants in the mining of oil and gas are natural radionuclides 226Ra, 228Th, and 40K causing an increased level of gamma background, the maximum values ​​of which are range from 450 mkR/h on the Kachanivske field to 2000 mkR/h on Rybalske (in the Okhtyrka district), and on the Anastasivske deposit (Romny district) the gamma background level reaches 6,000 mkR/h. The following regularities are established for the extension of radiation anomalies: the highest activity of mining equipment and soils is observed in fields with a long exploitation (Kachanivske, Rybalske) and for deposits of the western group (Artyukhivske, Anastasivske). Practically there is no radiation contamination on the fields of the Kharkiv group (Koziivske, Sakhalinske, etc.) and insignificant – on Buhruvativske.


Sokolov A.S. Land Resources of Gomel Region: Current Situation and Dynamics.

The aim of the research was the identification of the main characteristics of the structure and dynamics of land use in the Gomel region, as well as features the spatial distribution of anthropogenic objects and certain types of land. In the structure of land use forest lands (51.3%) and agricultural lands (32.8%) dominate; among the latest arable lands dominate (68,8%). Among the categories of land users the predominant share of land belong to the land of forestry management organizations (46.3%), lands of agricultural organizations (35.8%), land conservation, recreation and historical-cultural purposes organizations (10.1%). In the Gomel region concentrated almost half of the lands of the organizations of environmental, health, recreational, historical and cultural destination in Belarus, 40% of the lands of citizens, selected for other agricultural purposes. On the other hand shares of the organizations of the defense and lands of citizens dedicated to mowing and grazing of farm animals (respectively 1.4 and 8.3% of all lands in these categories in the Republic) are extremely low.


Myronenko A.О., Kornus A.О.The Features of Formation of the Runoff in the Rybуtsіa River Basin.

In the article geological-geomorphological, hydrogeological and physico-geographical conditions of river Rybytsia flow formation were investigated. The first stage of the study was the analysis of the morphometric characteristics of the riverbed and basin of the named river. The second stage involved clarifying the nature of the indigenous and anthropogenous sediments that make up the basin territory, analyzing the physical-geographic, first of all, the climatic conditions forming the runoff and drawing up the hydrogeological map. It is established that in the basin of the Rybytsia river are developed conditions, generally favorable for the formation of river flow. A slope-elevated relief, a sufficient amount of precipitation and the presence of a marly-chalky regional waterproof in the Upper Cretaceous sediments account for the increased water content in the named basin. Geological-geomorphological, hydrogeological and physical-geographical conditions, under which the flow of the river Rybytsia is formed are typical for the rivers of this part Sumy region.


Bova O.V. Heavy Metals in the Soils of Forest-Steppe of the Sumy Region.

The article covers the results of the field and chemіcal-analytіcal studies of the soils of forest-steppe of the Sumy region. They are chernozems, gray forest soils, floodplain meadow soils, meadow-bog and sod-electіons soils. The background contents of potentіally-mіgratory (cyclotorsіon) forms of heavy metals are determined, such as Cuprum, Nіckel, Cobalt, Lead, Cadmіum, Zіnc, Manganese, Іron. Their behavior and dіstrіbutіon were analyzed in the soil profile. The factors affecting on the levels of concentration and migration of the metals in soils are considered.


Fesyuk V.O., Kononyuk V.P. Features of the Modern State of Soil Cover Povchans’ka Hills.

Conducted a morphogenetic analysis of the main types of soils in the territory of the study showed that the placement of soil cover the territory of research clearly subordinated to certain geographical laws. Within the study area covered by loess loam, formed soils are inherent for the forest-steppe zone: black pratensis and lucky black earth, black ash, and gray forest-steppe chernozem soils. Optimal parameters of agrochemical properties of soils provided conditions for the accumulation of a sufficient number of microelements in soil, investigated the life and development of the ground flora, fauna and the root systems of plants. To a large extent these options depend on the genetic characteristics of the soil, the quantitative and qualitative composition of its mineral and organic parts.


Ya.O. Molchak, I.Ya. Myskovets, O.I. Myskovets. Natural and Ecological State of Volyn.

The purpose of the research was to carry out an analysis of the natural and ecological status of Volyn region. The work deals with solving the actual issues of the impact of anthropogenic loads on the environment, as well as the planned environmental measures regarding the regional ecological program "Ecology 2016-2020" of Volyn region. The region belongs to regions with relatively preserved natural-territorial complexes. Intense transformations of the Volyn region landscapes began in the 1960's and were determined by the active development of industry, transport network, drainage, extensive introduction of agriculture and reduction of forest areas. The material and resource potential of the region is characterized by the presence in the bowels of 18 types of minerals (coal, natural gas, peat, germanium, copper, amber and others).


Sakhniuk T.V., Kornus A.O. Current Status of the System of the Natural Reserve Fund of the Lokhvytsia District, Poltava Region.

The article considers the current state of the nature reserve fund (NRF) of the Lokhvytsia district of the Poltava region. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of its elements – protected territories and objects is carried out, as well as their typification. The map of the spatial location of the NRF network in the study area was created. The NRF of the Lokhvytsia district includes 13 protected areas and objects with a total area of ​​4743.01 ha. They have the status of national reserves (2), local reserves (5) and botanical monuments of local significance (6). In general, the Lokhvytsia region is characterized by a satisfactory index of the area's reserves (3.64%), a high index of the territorial concentration ­of the elements of the NRF within the region (1.8) as compared to other areas of the region and sufficient efficiency of the nature-protected network (insularization – 0.519).


Netrobcuk І.M., Mykoliuk L.N. Ecological Assessment of the Water Quality and the Dynamics of Changes of the River Turia in the Volyn Region.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the chemical composition of water and the dynamics of changes in water quality in the river Turia for the period of 2007-2016. The assessment of the quality and dynamics of water pollution from the ecological positions was performed in two points of observation in three blocks. They are salt composition, ecological and sanitary indices, content of specific substances toxic effects. The overall ecological assessment of water quality is calculated as an average of the sum of three block indexes. By the values ​​of block and ecological indexes, the category and class of water quality were determined according to the ecological classification. The observation points were in Kovel city: 2 km higher and 1.5 km below the city.


Danylchenko О.S., Dovhopolova I.S.Waste in Sumy Region: Dynamics of Production, Accumulation and Circulation.

The article is devoted to the study of the acute geoecological problem of the Sumy region - pollution of the environment with waste. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the dynamics of production and accumulation of waste in the region, the spatial structure of waste generation, the structure of waste disposal by categories of materials, handling of hazardous waste and solid domestic waste. On the basis of statistical data, graphs and diagrams are made which show that the collection and accumulation of waste in the Sumy region have a steady tendency to increase. In 2016, the receipt of waste in the region decreased, but the accumulation of waste increased, this is because the disposal of waste in specially designated areas decreased by almost a third compared to 2015. The spatial structure of waste generation shows that the main waste producer is the city of Sumy, as the main industrial center of the region. In the structure of waste, the leading place is occupied by industrial waste (62%), the main accumulator of which is OJSC “Sumykhimprom”. In the region, 18% (of the total volume) of toxic wastes of I-III hazard classes.


Danylchenko O.S., Mikhailichenko V.M. Evaluation of Ecological State of the Small River Pozhnia.

The article is devoted to the investigation of the small Pozhnia river. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the ecological state of the Pozhnia river using a test methodology based on a visual assessment, which consists of 3 blocks. The first block contains 13 questions, on a number of parameters determine the state of the river: speed of river, river bed status, regulation of river, bottom character, river water transparency, odor, water temperature, river contamination, vegetation of the river, fish population of the river, state of the river banks, state of the coastal protective strip. The second block includes 14 questions that determine the state of the floodplain: the width of the floodplain, the degree of disturbance of natural landscapes, the presence of a water protection zone, traces of water erosion of floodplain soils, the level of recreational load, the nature of the economic use of the floodplain, the use of river water, the presence of direct drains into the river, urbanization of the territory. The third block consists of 2 questions, showing the swiftness of dangerous changes occurring with the river.


Korniychuk O.O., Bova O.V. Features of Technogenic Pollution of the Environment in the Okhtyrka District Oil Deposits.

The article gives an analysis of the peculiarities of anthropogenic pollution of the natural environment in the areas of exploitation of oil and gas deposits in Okhtyrka district of the Sumy region. The complex of rehabilitation and other measures on restoration of natural resource state of technogenically-altered territories is presented.


Poruchynsky V.I., Poruchynska I.V., Slashchyk A.M. Overview of the Main Environmental Threats of the Urbanized Environment of Ukraine's Regions.

The question of urbanization as an object of socio-economic research is considered. The basic lines and displays of urbanization are outlined. The value of cities as centers of socio-economic development is shown. The modern level of urbanization in The most important advantages and lacks of urbanization, that is observed in the municipal spheres of public life, are distinguished. The intercommunication urbanization with an ecological situation in the regions of Ukraine is analyzed. The most muddy cities and regions in a country are indicated.Ukraine is analyzed, the features of urbanization processes in the cut of regions are described.


Slyuta V.B., Aleksa E.V., Malovichko Yu.O. Forest Melioration Measures of Deflation Control in the Conditions of the Northern Forest-Steppe Zone on the Example of the Udai River Basin.

The peculiarities of wind erosion development, the mechanism of its action and influence on the underlying surface, methods and means of combating it within the upland territories, watershed divides and reclaimed lands in the conditions of the left bank part of the Northern Forest-Steppe Zone on the example of the Udai River Basin are investigated. The location of forest stands, depending on its type and functional area, location in the area relative to the direction of the prevailing winds are analyzed. Some aspects of the development of dust (black) storms are revealed. The practical schemes of location of protective forest stands for deflation control on reclaimed lands are given. The role of certain types of trees and its protective functions in forest stands and arrangement in protective strips are considered. Attention is paid to the necessity of planning and organization of the territory in the course of agricultural work; a number of general recommendations aimed at preventing the development of deflationary processes and phenomena on agricultural land are given.

Petlin V.M. Regularities of Hierarchical Organization of Natural Territorial Systems.

Despite the prevalence of their use, natural hierarchies still remain insufficiently investigated. At the same time, modern science came to the conclusion that any complex system which arose in the process of evolution by trial and error should have a hierarchical organization. Such organization is based on the relevant attributes, which include: interconnectedness of the intra-level and inter-level components, functional integrity both at each hierarchical level and within the entire hierarchical pyramid, the presence of the emergent attribute at each level and the whole interconnected set hierarchical levels, the presence of a controlling mechanism as structural components, and in the whole hierarchical pyramid, the presence of the main (general) and subordinate purposes, that is, any territorial hierarchy – it is primarily a system formation. Any natural territorial hierarchy is the integrity that forms and maintains the corresponding dependencies and regularities, which gives them space-time stability and support in the formation of the internal functional structure and their hierarchical relations. Such internal organization of hierarchical territorial systems is supported by their external organization based on which hierarchical organizational processes are controlled by appropriate hierarchical dependencies.


Koltun O.V., Koltun V.R. The Geological Features of the Landslide on Kuprin Str. in Khmelnytskyi City.

This landslide on the left bank of Samets River (the right tributary of Pivdennyi Buh River) is the biggest within Khmelnytskyi City area. Despite its more than half century development are still many questions unknown or unclear. The original ground surface after the shifts has changed the steep slopes to artificial terraces, light hilly surfaces, natural and artificial scarps. The total thickness of the loess-paleosol sequence distinguish 32-36 ms (estimated). The thickness of moved sediments by the main northeast scarp could reach 15 ms. They included the fertile soils and the upper and middle Pleistocene parts from the loess-paleosol sequence. The surface rupture lied down into the last. According to geotechnical engineering investigation in 1983-1990, the thickness of the displaced material in the middle part of the landslide body was 4,5-6,0 ms. Below the loess-paleosol sequence lie lower Pleistocene alluvial sediments: sand and loam. Deeper reposes lower Neogene clay. The oversaturated loam by the southeast range of the toe of the surface of rupture is thixotropic. Upper layers of the loess-paleosol sequence (3-9 ms thick and more) can sink because of its land subsidence ability. The ground water table was situated under the displaced material in the middle part of the landslide and into alluvial sediments closer to the Samets Valley. The soil properties and the groundwater table features need a special research.


Slyuta V.B., Hnyda A.S., Raiska A.Yu. Peculiarities in Morphology of Hollows as Separate Forms of Depression Relief.

The peculiarities of the structure and lithology of the hollows are investigated as a separate form of depression relief. The main attention is paid to the development of these objects on the Inhulets Irrigate Solid Mass, which is typical for the solid masses located on the forest plain of the Black Sea Depression. An attempt was made to compare the characteristics of the hollows and alkali flats. The soils developed in the hollows, on the slopes of the valleys adjacent to it and at the bottom of small hallows are investigated. In the examined area, nine species of hollows were identified by the morphological features, lithological consistency and degree of glayzation. In addition, the water of investigated objects and alluvial deposits of terraces are examined. The water of the hallow deposits is characterized by weak mineralization, it has mostly hydrocarbonate consistency. The attention is paid to fluctuations in the level of water of the depressions in comparison with the adjacent territories and its fluctuation as a result of irrigation in connection with the increase of surface runoff.


Chyr N.V. The Factors of Formation the Geomorphological Structure of the River Basin Vyzhivka.

This study is an initial attempt to investigate the peculiarity of the geomorphological structure of the river basin Vyzhivka. The influence of tectonic movements and climate as the main relief-forming processes in the study area is highlighted. First, we pay attention on the fact, that the current relief of the river basin Vyzhivka in the main features was formed in the neotectonic period. Ascending and oscillating neotectonic movements of varying intensity were manifested differentially during the geological history. The current tectonic movements are characterized by lifting the territory within 8-10 millimeters per year in the direction from west to east. Climate impact on the relief-forming processes of the study territory could be demonstrated of the beginning of the Mesozoic. During the development of cover glaciation, especially Dnieper glaciation, was existing a climatically determined zonality. Finally such climatically zonality outlined the formation imposition on preanthropogenic relief the relic morphosculpture: glacial, water-glacial, loess.


Syvyj M.J. Bulding Stone Resources of the Khmelnytskyj Region.

It is noted that natural stone building material in Podillya is crystalline Precambrian rocks of the platform foundation – granites, granodiorites, charnockites, migmatites, gneisses and sedimentary rocks of the cover – limestones, dolomite, sandstones; information on the balance stocks of building stones in the administrative regions, extraction in 2017, administrative regions territories saturation with raw materials and the provision of their explored reserves was given; the conclusion about the maximum concentration of balance deposits in the south-western and north-eastern territories of the region (Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Chemerovetskyi, Letychivskyi, Polonskyi and Shepetivskyi) was made. Moreover, in the south-western regions mostly limestones are developed, in the north-eastern – igneous rocks (granites, granodiorites, migmatites, charnockites, etc.). The analysis of raw materials main deposits coexistence with the arable and unproductive lands, information about subsoil users is also provided. Conclusions are made of the ways of increasing the production capacities of existing mining enterprises in specific fields, the possibility of building stones stocks growth in the region.


Kornus O.H., Petrenko L.V. The Use of Methods of Quantitative Analysis in Geographical Research in Geography Service Sector.

Geography as a science actively uses mathematical methods. The first attempts to apply these methods in geography were in ancient Greece. In the XX century a lot of scientists began to apply quantitative analysis techniques in geographical researches. In the middle of the XX century this gave rise to a particular scientific field – mathematical geography. The use of quantitative analysis methods occupies a significant place in the present day researches in geography of service sector. Often they are used to calculate simple and integrated indicators. The calculated simple indicators for each sector are summed up and compared with baseline level to determine the integrated level of development of services sector in the area (or region as a whole).


Boikо Z.V. The Structure and the Development Level of the Ukraine's Railway Transport Until 2014.

Transport – is an important component of structure of the any state economy. Efficient functioning of the transport complex is the basis for structural transformations and economic growth, development of foreign economic activity, satisfaction of the needs of the population and social production in transportation, protection of economic interests, strengthening of the country's defense capability. Rail transport is an integral part of the unified transport system of Ukraine and meets the requirements of social production and national security; it has an extensive infrastructure for providing the appropriate complex of transport services. Many scientific and methodical publications are provided the picture of development of the individual elements of the transport sphere and emphasize the spatial characteristics of the transport system, which allows us to identify the most urgent issues in the development of land transport, in particular, both automobile and railway.


Trebin I., Kornus O. Some Aspects of the Social and Cultural Service Study of the Summer Area Population of the Sumy Region.

Institutions of culture of club type are the centers of the rest of the population. From 2007 to 2016 there is a decrease of club-type institutions and places in them. There is a tendency to reduce the number of clubs of the club type, gradually leading to a stagnation of the leisure infrastructure in the villages. The indicators of the provision of club institutions have Seredyna Buda, Nedryhailiv, Velyka Pysarivka, Lypova Dolyna, Putivl, Krasnopillia and Buryn districts. Only three districts have indicators below the average – Konotop, Shostka, Sumy. By providing the population with places in institutions of the club type, the best situation is in Hlukhiv, Lebedyn, Romny and Okhtyrka districts. The positive point is that there were no areas below the average regional level. Demonstrators of cinema / video films function to attract the audience in the club institutions. Unfortunately, in many clubs, where there is a possibility of showing movies, outdated equipment, negatively affects the quality of films, and consequently the number of spectators. In 2015, the Sumy region, the number of demonstrators was 19, which is more than in 2007. The number of visits to cinema shows increased by 59.4%.


Todorov V.I., Chomutov V.A. The Main Directions of the Development of Tourism in the Ukrainian Danube.

One of the regions of Ukraine, whose recreational resources are used far from full capacity, is the south-western part of the Odessa region – Ukrainian Danube. The prospect of optimizing the territorial organization of recreational activities is related to the specifics of the vital activity of the population. Socio-geographical peculiarities of the development of the regional region as a whole and the inter-rivers of the Danube and the Dniester as an integral part of it are sufficiently well studied. However, not enough attention is paid to the influence of these factors on the state of the tourist and recreational economy of the investigated region. The basis of this article is the materials of field research in the region and theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the development of tourist and recreational economy of the Ukrainian Danube.


Tyschenko S.V. Agricultural Green Tourism Development оn the Territory оf the Zhytomyr Region.

The process of formation of rural green tourism in Zhytomyr region is considered. The crisis situation in the agrarian sector of the economy has led to a new form of economy – entrepreneurship of rural green tourism. The general physical and geographical characteristics of the region are carried out. It is proved that the region has a favorable physical-geographical and economic-geographical position, which contributes to its compact population, high level of economic development of the territory, creates preconditions for life activities of people, especially in rural areas – the establishment of rural green tourism. Rural areas of Zhytomyr region have a very interesting ethno-cultural resource base, historical and archaeological sites, a very rich natural and climatic basis for the development of rural tourism. The mild climate, picturesque landscapes, the most interesting historical and cultural heritage, original crafts and crafts are the base for various types of tourism in the countryside. At present, steps are being taken by the state to support the development of rural tourism.


Mahtab Jafari. Investigating the Role of Tourism in the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Environment: a Geographic Approach.

Tourism is always embracing economy, social and environmental impacts. For this reason, the policy of sustainable development of tourism is necessary. The general approach is that governments have paid attention to tourism ecologically in the long run. This is approved and financially self-sufficient, and from the perspective of social and moral for local communities is beneficial and promising. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of wetland ecosystem conservation and environmental sustainability of tourism in rural areas. The purpose of applied research and in terms of data collection is descriptive and analytical. The study population consists of 3 villages’ khawmirabad rural district, Sarkol Zarivar which in the whole 93 villages of this area, a number of villages was selected. Sample households of the village and randomly classified and 12 villages were selected. Cochran formula used to determine the sample size and questionnaire to 330 randomly selected villages were selected among heads of households. The validity of the test Cronbach's alpha was 0.77 percent. For statistical analysis of data from one sample -t- test, chi-square test and ANOVA test in spss software is used. The results show that tourism in economic and socio-cultural aspects have a positive impact on the conservation and sustainable development of the environment.


Prasul Yu.I., Chmil H.O., Shulga M.Ye. Paraturistic Potential of the North-East Recreational and Tourist Area.

This research presents the assessment of tourist and recreational facilities of the North-East area that can be used for paratourism needs. At the heart of the methodology for appraisal objects were certain rules set out in the general requirements for accessibility of facilities for people with special needs. The methodology has its own assessment scale, which corresponds to the presence or absence of the indicators described in the work. Objects of different categories were evaluated, indicators of accessibility of each of them are given in the research. The greatest attention was paid to such types of resources as natural ones, namely balneological, landscape, relief, hydrography and forest resources; infrastructure, such as catering, accommodation and transport, as well as a comprehensive assessment of the availability of the environment (equipped sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, lighting, etc.). Although this assessment is subjective, however, it gives an opportunity to see a general picture of the possibilities of the region for the development of paratourism. The result is a comprehensive view of the potential opportunities of the North-East area for the development of paratourism. The research presents recommendations for the assessment of tourist and recreational facilities for tourists with special needs.


Bielousova N.V. Theoretical Aspects of Development of the Inclusive Rehabilitation and Social Tourism in Ukraine.

The present state and prospects of the introduction of inclusive tourism into the system of social rehabilitation and tourist services in Ukraine are explored. Tourism has a positive impact on the development of society and has meaning: political – as a factor of peace and the commonwealth; economic – as a source of income, revenue, increase of the gross national product, stimulus of development of related branches of the economy, creation of workplaces and development of regional economies; cultural and educational – as one of the means of elevating the cultural level of man and society as a whole, spiritual enrichment, preservation of the historical memory of the people, his cultural heritage; socio-demographic – as a factor for the improvement of society for the continuation of active life of a person, etc. At the same time, tourism performs another very important function – social and rehabilitation in relation to people with inclusions.


Vertel V.V. The Methodology Recommendations on the Running of the Geological Excursions for the Pupils of General Secondary Education Schools Within the Territory of Sumy City and Sumy Region.

The article introduces 25 geological features. Some of these belong to the category of the geological monuments, others – to the future ones. The subject of the ways is stated as follows: 1) the ways within Sumy city; 2) the ways within Sumy district; 3) the ways within Sumy region. During the geological excursions the pupils learn the theoretical and some practical skills and faculties of essential geology as well as they can do the broad range of environmental protection works: observing the subsurface state, learning the deciduous destructive geological processes, determining the measures to protect the territories. Not less important task of geological excursions is the finding of monuments, which fall due protection. All these features have to be examined carefully and recorded to explain their status of natural landmark and add them into the nature reserve fund of Sumy region.


Puhach A. S., Kornus O. H. Practical Implementation of STEM-education in Geography Lessons.

The article analyzes the main aspects of applying STEM-education in the educational process of general secondary education institutions. The main aspects and essence of STEM education are highlighted, among which are the active inclusion of STEM in the study of creative and artistic disciplines, united by the generic term Arts (the designation of the relevant approach – STEM and Arts). The latest trends in STEM and Arts are industrial design, architecture, industrial aesthetics, etc. The structure of a geography lesson using STEM-methodology should include basic subject knowledge + generalized (cross-cutting) notions + scientific and engineering skills. For the successful use of STEM-education in the classroom the teacher of geography has the following principal requirements ahead of him that are to know the program material of other disciplines; apply various methods, techniques and forms of organization of the educational process; cooperate with other subject teachers in order to form correct students’ concepts common to many educational disciplines, to hold different educational and extracurricular activities.


Movchan V.V. The Features of the Work of a Rural Teacher of Geography with Gifted Pupils.

The article deals with the current state of geographic education in rural schools. The reasons for reducing the level of work of teachers with gifted students in rural educational institutions are named. The previous publications, which examine the peculiarities of gifted children and methods of work of teachers with such children, are analyzed. Examples of directions and methods of creative collaboration of geography teachers and gifted children are given. Describes such approaches of work as «preliminary diagnosis» and «principle of spontaneous action». The importance of the excursion method of studying geography and its features in the conditions of the village school is emphasized. Areas of work that promote the development of creative abilities are considered, namely: participation in subject Olympiads, competitions of the Academy of Sciences, local lore expeditions. It is indicated the need for such forms of activity as a teacher of geography as extracurricular and extra-curricular work, as well as continuous self-education.


Gavrushenko G.V., Melnyk I.G. Methodological Aspects of Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies at Geography Lessons.

The methodological recommendations regarding the use of particular information and communication technologies (ICTs) at the geography lessons in the general educational institutions have been systematized in the article. The extra attention to the adoption of such ICTs as the interactive geographic maps and intellect maps, and off-the-shelf software products (electronic atlases, encyclopedias, electronic workbooks, study programs, electronic lessons constructors, etc.) has been paid. The advantages of the internet services (Google Maps, Еarth Google, Google Еarth Pro, Windty, Gismeteo) use in the course of studying physics and geographic processes and events have been considered. The reasonability of the use of the geographic computer games, online quizzes and video-scribing method at the lessons has been stressed. The recommendations regarding the application of various test computer programs (Master-test, Online Test Pad, LearningApps.org), as well as the mobile applications for devices, for the correction and control of the students’ knowledge at geography, have been put forward.

In the article the authors used the information regarding ICTs use at lessons that was received while questioning the geography teachers of Luhansk region.